elhaym @elhaym
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elhaym @elhaym
Hey~ what's wrong mate?
Lamby's moth mommy @horrormanga21
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Lamby's moth mommy @horrormanga21
https://avatanplus.com/files/resources/mid/590cf1d394b2315bda90a299.png nothing is really new I'm just happy in general anything new with you ^^
elhaym @elhaym
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elhaym @elhaym
What a pretty cat ♥
believeinluffy93 @believeinluffy93
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believeinluffy93 @believeinluffy93
Haha That's good to hear my day is good just chilling with some friends playing some games
Lamby's moth mommy @horrormanga21
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Lamby's moth mommy @horrormanga21
http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/230/217/0af.gif im good thank you im also sorry i havent spoke in a little while its good to see you back as well how have you been friend
believeinluffy93 @believeinluffy93
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believeinluffy93 @believeinluffy93
Yeah for sure always like to meet new people and how is your day going so far
believeinluffy93 @believeinluffy93
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believeinluffy93 @believeinluffy93
Hey ~Tenshi thanks For letting me be your friend
elhaym @elhaym
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elhaym @elhaym
Thank you so much for listening to me.
elhaym @elhaym
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elhaym @elhaym
I'm also hurt and I do think the same that he's ashamed of it that his friends could see that... I have no clue why is that a big fuss.
elhaym @elhaym
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elhaym @elhaym
How would you feel if your crush say "we are together" but hide it and won't change his "single" status?