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Fan but not a Super Fan

Atsu @atsu
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Fan but not a Super Fan
Atsu @atsu
I got into anime by just deciding one day to start watching it, I can't really explain it. I usually like to watch several shows a season (mostly the average cute girls doing cute things shows and RomComs but I'll watch whatever catches my fancy), for example GochiUsa, Kawaisou, Daimidaler, and Mangaka-san, and keep up with them as soon as the latest episode comes out for each show.
I think this might be why I feel the way I do is because I got into it without any outside help, just decided to do it one day and never looked back.
Fan but not a Super Fan

Atsu @atsu
Fan but not a Super Fan
Atsu @atsu
I'm starting this thread to help get some things off my chest, not that it's super serious or anything like that, just some idle musings I've had.
Now, I really like anime (which is why I'm on this site) but I never really feel any huge urge to discuss what shows and stuff I like to other people I know, even though they like anime as well (even if it's not on the same level as me). Of course I'd really like to talk about shows and stuff with other people but I just never feel motivated to do it in person. On the internet it's all good and fine, but just not in real life. I also don't own any anime merchandise except for a few Ryu (Street Fighter) figures and that's it. If you were to meet me in person you would never guess that I like anime and I don't feel the need to show off my love of it to the world.
Even with all that, I still feel the urge to talk to someone -anyone- about shows I'm watching this season and to get to know other people that are the same.
This feels more like an introduction, so to help make this board relevant, does anyone else feel like this as well? Do you keep it mostly to yourself, or do you feel the need to proclaim to everyone how much of an anime otaku you are?
Thanks for reading this thread, even if you don't post in it.