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Atmos Fear

35 year old Male
Last online over 9 years ago
Happy birthday! :D *grabs random cake*
michiyo_1 @michiyo_1 left a comment for Atmos Fear
Jul 15, 13 at 5:05pm
I am EXTREMELY EXCITED FOR KH3. I am going to by the PS4 for that game! A steam account? No. o.o Earthbound? I've heard of it, it's pretty interesting. :3
Oh, tomorrow's your birthday? Happy birthday then! I also caught the "Jemm and the Holograms" reference. :P Good night! Have a great time at work!
Oh! Yeah, haha, sorry about that. I don't get on Skype at this hour, usually, because everybody's asleep and I have to be really, really quiet.
That Uke @thatuke left a comment for Atmos Fear
Jul 15, 13 at 1:21am
Pfff, trying to mess with? Haha. I started second guessing myself on whether or not I have used this name else where. Either way it is nice to meet you. :)
Sure, go ahead. I'll PM you my Skype name.
I know, right? Death Note I can see being treated seriously, but Bleach? LOL Nah, it's got the potential to be hilarious! And that's what the musicals did. ^^ I heard that they were making a Naruto musical, but it didn't do so well.
LOL I love the entire series of plays. The Bankai Show (both the first and the 002) production was especially silly. These guys didn't even try taking the source material seriously; even in the BTS, they're cracking jokes about their characters, basically saying, "Hey, it's corny, it's silly, but it's still really creative, so let's have fun with it!
Bleach: The All (P1) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=whcrVWH8LTU There are other productions of it, same cast, different script, that include other songs and scenes that were left out of this production, but this version's one of my favorites because it covers the whole first arch rather well for a stage play. Sado/Chad and Orihime were only in the Saien production.
One moment and I'll give you some links. ^^