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maruchi69 @maruchi69
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maruchi69 @maruchi69

Petermoo123 @petermoo123
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Petermoo123 @petermoo123
o .o!

hojou @hojou
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hojou @hojou
heya didn't you go to fanime o.O
Otaku in the heart of the Silicon Valley!

AshleyFayeLoliCake @ashleyfayelolicake
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Otaku in the heart of the Silicon Valley!
AshleyFayeLoliCake @ashleyfayelolicake
This year I'm doing Panty from Panty and Stocking and Bianca from Pokemon Black/White
Do you consider yourself picky?

AshleyFayeLoliCake @ashleyfayelolicake
Do you consider yourself picky?
AshleyFayeLoliCake @ashleyfayelolicake
I do. I don't want to be, but I find myself very picky when considering who to date. I even have a list of things that I don't like/want in a partner, and I've really only broken it once.
I will not date: Someone younger than me, someone shorter than me, someone severely overweight, someone without a source of income. I refuse to date an ugly man.
I know that it sounds mean, I feel bad when I list this stuff, but I know what I like and what I want. I have standards, and I'd prefer you met them if we date. I know what I like from experience, and it gave me a good feeling of what to want.
What about you?