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AfterWind @afterwind
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AfterWind @afterwind
Your name makes me believe that you may know a youtuber named Direwolf20. It's a plain guess, but your name is just too similar xD

Hyera 혜라 @hyera
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Hyera 혜라 @hyera
thanks for the friend request

blondeangel @blondeangel
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blondeangel @blondeangel
Thanks for adding me!
What Video Game Character do you Crush on?

animewolf20 @animewolf20
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What Video Game Character do you Crush on?
animewolf20 @animewolf20
Lilah from Tales of Zestria or Junko from Danganronpa
Finding a Girlfriend

animewolf20 @animewolf20
Finding a Girlfriend
animewolf20 @animewolf20
I,m a nice guy and all but I'm really shy ever since I was humiliated in school I cant ask a girl out. When I meet someone I'm distant until I get to now them, but I cant ask them out cause I freeze up and think I'll be humiliated again so now I'm somewhat of a shut in I'm just looking for advice to help me.