Single guy looking for someone to watch and talk about anime with. :) I love anime and Japanese culture in general. I grew up around an influence of Asians (all my friends are Asian)If I had a preference I'd say I like Asian girls... but I'm not so shallow that I'd only look for that. As far as Anime goes I mostly watch a lot of Romance comedies (most of which aren't even found by that anime search crap -.-) Anyways I've always witnessed relationships and how they tend to be. I don't want a girlfriend that is separated from my friends. I want a girl I can take with me to hangout with my friends and also a girl I can just lay in bed and watch anime with. Someone i'm both physically and mentally attracted to. Where I live is really boring and aside from my friends and I, there's not many "otaku" (I feel otaku is more extreme than what I am, I just enjoy anime and want to enjoy it with someone else... aka a girlfriend.) Soooo yeah, lol I mean I'm pretty simple so just message me or however this site works and lets talk!