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How to approach "Asian" women?

aminoacyl_tRna @aminoacyl_trna
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How to approach "Asian" women?
aminoacyl_tRna @aminoacyl_trna
People keep getting too serious in here. LOL. Well. Just approach and talk to them. They are not different from any other women, my friend.
What if never fall in love?

aminoacyl_tRna @aminoacyl_trna
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What if never fall in love?
aminoacyl_tRna @aminoacyl_trna
People keep saying that "there will be someone for you". It turns out quite true. It might come when you don't aware of. Even if it doesn't, it is not a very big deal. You should learn to love your family and yourself more. Always have a positive look in everything, it makes you feel easier. Relationship is very troublesome and wastes a lot of time. Just enjoy your life right now, because when you get marriage, you won't even have time to read manga (that actually what happened to two of my older brothers). Enjoy your life my friend.