암브로시우스 @ambrosel
암브로시우스 @ambrosel
It's currently 5AM, need 4 more hours to hit the 24hr mark of staying up. 17 more hours to go to be able to sleep. This is gonna be a rough day...
암브로시우스 @ambrosel Fell asleep anyway @-@ ack the bags under my eyes...
Twigloo @treez_
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Twigloo @treez_
*sigh* hey weeb trash, whats your discord tag?
암브로시우스 @ambrosel PM sent ●□●
Great Daddy MH39 @gdmh39
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Great Daddy MH39 @gdmh39
you got way ahead of yourself this time ! take this and remember don't get too way ahead of yourself
암브로시우스 @ambrosel This is not entirely my fault! >:c you were feeding me so many theories!!!
Great Daddy MH39 @gdmh39 ........................... sorry? XDDD wait I came up with some but it's bcs you told me so QWQ
암브로시우스 @ambrosel *-* you were strengthening my claims even if you werent sure yourself grrrr
Great Daddy MH39 @gdmh39 ok... it's fault ok? guess I need to educate myself on human behaviour again D:
암브로시우스 @ambrosel xdddd you really are my anh, aho
Baka @reinhardt76 Why does this sound so familiar >w>
암브로시우스 @ambrosel what does owo
Great Daddy MH39 @gdmh39 what you mean dorito?
Baka @reinhardt76 Gd making ppl worry!
Great Daddy MH39 @gdmh39 ............................................ I KNOW I'M A SHITTY PERSON MKAAY? QWQ I only wanted to help...
암브로시우스 @ambrosel
암브로시우스 @ambrosel
Great Daddy MH39 @gdmh39 gj!!! working that one out xDDDDD
암브로시우스 @ambrosel you dont know how relieved i am T^T
Baka @reinhardt76 I’m envious
Great Daddy MH39 @gdmh39 why are you envious? OWO
암브로시우스 @ambrosel =w= how are you envious exactly
암브로시우스 @ambrosel
암브로시우스 @ambrosel
I lost a friend today~ xdd
Baka @reinhardt76 Sorry to hear
Great Daddy MH39 @gdmh39 poor thing...
암브로시우스 @ambrosel
암브로시우스 @ambrosel
Twigloo @treez_
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Twigloo @treez_
This is the cutest message I’ve ever received :$$ pm me your discord please, weeb trash;))
암브로시우스 @ambrosel That's not the proper format! Even if you possess a cute shota profile picture, I'm still strict with my code =3=
AyeBoss @gurren921
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AyeBoss @gurren921
LOL such a derp xD
At work!! Getting paid tomorrow so that’s good!
암브로시우스 @ambrosel Hecc yeah! x3 All that hard work had finally paid off eh? literally x333
AyeBoss @gurren921 Oh heck yah!!! Gonna have $5 after all my bills are paid. Gonna be a lit weekend
암브로시우스 @ambrosel xDDD oh my.. spend that $5 wisely!
AyeBoss @gurren921
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AyeBoss @gurren921
Indeed my skills have been honed to a point where I am near unbeatable in hand to hand combat against most foes! However, the devils of the deep are forever learning new, twisted, dark ways to defy my hands of justice!! The llamas took much from me. Close friends and my pride amongst them!
Personal Maid @personalmaidservice
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Personal Maid @personalmaidservice
I would play but it’s really early where I’m at have a head ache. Eventually maybe