SimonSan @simonsanbr
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SimonSan @simonsanbr
Theres more ninja penguin tools out there but I wouldnt want to tell you all the secrets just yet! ^_^ Oh I get people yelling at me and looking at me funny just by existing, Im used to it by now! Youll be trained how to do the shuffle properly so you never fall over!
Also, we all love your friend Emily too! Probably! :)
alex_ginger @alex_ginger
alex_ginger @alex_ginger
Okay so my friend Emily decided she wanted me to tell you all that she loves you even though she doesn't know any of you.
cd11349 @cd11349
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cd11349 @cd11349
It is good.I'm excited for season 5.
SimonSan @simonsanbr
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SimonSan @simonsanbr
How can I not show mercy to that face! Fine go on then, youre forgiven!
Now you realise your training wont be easy right? Youll be learning things like standing still for hours at a time until people think youre a statue, or they just get bored and walk off... Youll learn how to use throwing fish and eelchucks. And then you have to learn how to the penguin shuffle! I wont go easy on you! :p
cd11349 @cd11349
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cd11349 @cd11349
I love Hetalia.Anyways,my profile pic is Prussia from Hetalia and the female version of him,apparently on a date or something like that.
SimonSan @simonsanbr
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SimonSan @simonsanbr
So if you laughed then you failed! That means I cant let you off the hook! You must beg for mercy now! Then get on with your ninja penguin training! ;p
cd11349 @cd11349
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cd11349 @cd11349
Well,have you watched Hetalia?
cd11349 @cd11349
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cd11349 @cd11349
That's good.
SimonSan @simonsanbr
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SimonSan @simonsanbr
Good luck! ;)
Glad youre enjoying the site btw! Its as fun as you make it! :)
cd11349 @cd11349
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cd11349 @cd11349