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Akira Saito

Last online almost 8 years ago
Earth, Canada
Jul 08, 16 at 9:56pm
I just browsed them, you're really good! I should probably get around to uploading some of my own stuff as well at some point XD
Jul 08, 16 at 9:37pm
True dat, plenty of time! Everyone finds something in time, and always best to do that at your own pace. Speaking of art, didja' draw your avatar? It's adorable!
zeezeebday @zeezeebday left a comment for Akira Saito
Jul 08, 16 at 7:48pm
xD likewise, soooooooooo, tell me about yourself
zeezeebday @zeezeebday left a comment for Akira Saito
Jul 08, 16 at 7:44pm
hiya, you seem like a pretty swell person ^^ wanna get to know eachother? ^^
Jul 08, 16 at 6:06pm
Haha thanks! I've known the artist for quite some time, but didn't pursue the field right away- originally, I wanted to go into medicine. And I did! ... And my first job was at a mental care unit. yeaaaaaaaaah, that didn't last long >_< So I decided to go into art instead- I always had a love for drawing and so forth, and decided to pursue that instead! (Let me know if I ever get to rambling too much, i tend to do that XD)
Jul 08, 16 at 5:07pm
Kind of both actually XD I'm an apprentice to a professional artist, and she's helping me improve my skills and build a professional resume- ideally, i'd like to be a storyboard and/or concept artist. But I enjoy it a lot!
Jul 08, 16 at 4:58pm
I am well! I've been working hard on an art project but I am well!
Jul 08, 16 at 4:21pm
THOU SHALL NOT FART!!! loudly... Lol, I agree.. I'd think this would be an interesting and funny topic. Maybe somewhere down the discussion, as a forum, we could vote for the top ten that deserve to be commandments. XD
I suppose it's more about pondering. A general attitude of curiousity and questioning -questioning even those things that are generally accepted as some thing.
do you like philosophy, Introverted and Lonely Nerd? : )
Premium Upgrade
Aug 10-12
Aug 9-11
Jan 31-Feb 1