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giftherbur @giftherbur
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giftherbur @giftherbur
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ashcuenca @ashcuenca
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ashcuenca @ashcuenca
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Akira @akira_lyon
Akira @akira_lyon
What am I even doing.

Akira @akira_lyon
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Akira @akira_lyon
Never confessed to a girl in my life.
With that being said, ive dated several girls. They all just approached me first.
If I had to do it, id never have had a girlfriend before.
The "looking for a relationship" thread

Akira @akira_lyon
commented on
The "looking for a relationship" thread
Akira @akira_lyon
Name's Parker Akira Lyon. 20 years old. 6 feet tall.
Born in Southern California, soon to be living in Alaska.
I'm a Airmen in the USAF, as a fighter jet Crew Chief, fixing whatever a pilot did to break my aircraft.
I'm part Japanese on my dads side, dont look it at all. Have a partial Heterochromia in my left eye half brown half blue.
When im not doing my job, I like the kick back and watch anime. I also like things that go bang.