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nefer916 @nefer916
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nefer916 @nefer916
Bet I could beat you in a yugioh match lol (probably.......Not)

Drunk Otaku @otakusama
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Drunk Otaku @otakusama
Hurro there (: how are you?

DatingNick2521 @gamernick25
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DatingNick2521 @gamernick25
Hello how's it going
Masturbating in relationships

ailinailin @ailinailin
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Masturbating in relationships
ailinailin @ailinailin
If you're in a relationship and feel like you can't/aren't allowed to masturbate or feel guilty for doing so, there's something unhealthy going on there. Whether it's your own guilt or the other partner being controlling, masturbation is a question of bodily autonomy and doesn't have anything to do with other people, romantic partner or not.
I guess? it's something each party should be aware happens but to be honest if you're an adult with a sex drive I just assume you jerk off sometimes, relationship or no, no discussion of the fact needed.
Also, masturbation is different from sex. Like, sometimes you just want to take care of yourself and don't want other people involved. I can see how it might be an issue if there's a repeated pattern of a partner wanting to jerk off instead of having sex, and if that's the case, of course talk about it! But sometimes you just don't have the energy for actual sex and you just want to rub one out real quick, yknow?
Last note, because I have Opinions: I honestly don't care who/what someone is thinking about when jerking off, or if they're watching porn or whatever. Even if you're masturbating to the thought of someone other than your romantic partner, as long as it remains in the real of thought/fantasy, there's nothing wrong with it and doesn't necessarily indicate that you're unfaithful or whatever. You're still allowed to find other people attractive and masturbating is a much healthier way of expressing that than actually cheating.
Jun 14-16
Jun 13-15
Panelist. Jun 19-21
Jun 17-19