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Last online over 2 years ago
Sherflow @sherflow left a comment for Aerone
Aug 09, 15 at 3:17pm
Have fun at work http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v188/kompressorsynth/b9b90dd4.gif
sadjester @sadjester left a comment for Aerone
Aug 09, 15 at 7:50am
Sounds unpleasant. I guess it was really hot too-being the desert and all. At least you are back.
sadjester @sadjester left a comment for Aerone
Aug 08, 15 at 8:22am
Hello Aero, welcome back. That sounds exhausting. How was the job in the desert?
sadjester @sadjester left a comment for Aerone
Jul 19, 15 at 9:58am
Okay, goodbye for now. Good luck with your job.
sadjester @sadjester left a comment for Aerone
Jul 17, 15 at 7:45am
Oh, yeah. As a matter of fact there is a pretty severe storm coming through here. Batten down the hatches ;0
sadjester @sadjester left a comment for Aerone
Jul 16, 15 at 8:04am
Today it's suddenly so cold here that I'm beginning to think that I'm a popsicle ;0 The weather changes quite quickly here.
sadjester @sadjester left a comment for Aerone
Jul 15, 15 at 8:36am
A lot of people live without AC here. You get used to the heat after a while.
sadjester @sadjester left a comment for Aerone
Jul 13, 15 at 7:56am
I don't even have AC in my place though ;0 I just have to bear it, I guess.
sadjester @sadjester left a comment for Aerone
Jul 10, 15 at 9:16am
At least you had a pleasant couple of days before the warm spell. Heat probably isn't so bad in the weekend though. Like you've mentioned-it's when you have to do work in the heat when it becomes difficult.
sadjester @sadjester left a comment for Aerone
Jul 05, 15 at 6:59am
Got to be thankful for the little things, right? I hope it's been going well over there, with the exception of the weather.