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Dragoncon Doctor Who (david tennant)

Animekid @animekid
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Dragoncon Doctor Who (david te

Animekid @animekid
Indeed I am

Mr. Rogers @rafaelsanzio
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Dragoncon Doctor Who (david te

Mr. Rogers @rafaelsanzio
A fellow doctor who fan :O

foony_sunflower @foony_sunflower
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Dragoncon Doctor Who (david te

foony_sunflower @foony_sunflower
Ahhh! The best!!!

Rem @dragonrem
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Dragoncon Doctor Who (david te

Rem @dragonrem

Max @reclaw
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Dragoncon Doctor Who (david te

Max @reclaw
Looking awesome!

Animekid @animekid
commented on
Dragoncon Doctor Who (david te

Animekid @animekid
well well, ahem, I'm sure we an find some way to raise your profile picture was perfect for that line lol)

anothertsundere @anothertsundere
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Dragoncon Doctor Who (david te

anothertsundere @anothertsundere
ooooo you look sooo dashing!!!>=] heh kinda like inspector gagets xD OOOOORR A PROFESSOR ON PHONE HAHA yes imma say it im goona copy a line from a tranformer movie *ahem*"Hello,professor I do anything for an A!!!"XD LOL J/K NAHH NAHH..u_u
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