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dating one person at a time or more?

i feel like dating more than one person at once would be such a hassle. like even if its just taking them out thats like multiple people out multiple times a week. that just sounds exhausting to me. But thats like personal view on it.
I mean, if you are whomever you're dating are in to dating multiple people go for it. I know a few people who are an open relationship and happy with it.
Iekace I'm a little bit confused. Are you using using the words dating and relationship (open or not) as synonyms? I don't know why but I see a lot of people on here use those words interchangeably, I can't help but wonder if many of you think it is the same phase in the whole courting process.
Come on man, I understand we´re alone but, you should´nt play with so many girl´s feeling´s and date at the same time. One girl date is more than enough. If you wan´t people to be loyal to you, you should´nt stab there backs and date others. Nobody will be a perfect love partner so why would you "toss a girl" and accept others for there better chances? Time can easily change that comfort zone and you might receive less relationship happiness with that person than you expected. Know how to love yourself first in order to love others.
One person at a time does seem to be the general consensus. In my experience if I were to start talking about commitment and a relationship after the first second or third date most women are going to run for the hills. Personally I don't feel any sort of commitment toward a woman during the dating process because I'm still trying to get to know her to see if she is someone that I would like to be in a relationship with, that's what "dating" means to me. "Someone you are interested in and getting to know to determine whether or not you want to be in a relationship with or not". After a certain point (usually within 6 months) that usually does change for me and I start to feel more for her. But if it doesn't change and I don't think she is right for me or I still just don't know, then I break things off with her. If I'm dating more than one woman ...which has only happened once, I have to make a choice to stop dating the other in order to enter into a relationship with the one I like. So for me, dating more than one woman at a time isn't a moral issue unless it is keep a secret from them or they just aren't comfortable with the idea. Dating multiple women at once isn't something I go out of my way to do, I've just found myself being interested in more than one woman once in the past and now it seems like that situation has come up again more recently. Now that I've spilled my guts out. I could use some real advice from everyone on how to approach the situation. I haven't asked out either of them yet. I'm still just friends with both of them. One I know from the real world and the other from online. Is this ok? Would I be wrong to date both of them at once even with the moral code that I follow?
I mean if you're into that... then do you I ain't gonna judge man! if you wanna date thousands of ppl then do man ^.^
I don't think it's really an issue as long as everyone knows about it - casual dating, sex or open relationships with several people is fine if you ask me. Personally, I'm a strictly monogamous person so I don't take part in this stuff myself but if people want to date several people at once then I really, genuinely don't see an issue with it as long as everyone knows about it just so nobody gets hurt and know fully what they're getting into.
Thanks you two I appreciate your responses a lot. I hope more people respond too. Infernalmonsoon, just to clarify things up. I am monogamous person. I'm not into open relationships or having more than one girlfriend or relationship at the same time. I also don't believe people should be having sex when you are still dating someone, because you don't even know who that person is yet... so how can you possibly trust them.
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