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I honestly have a lot of trouble being the one to start a conversation with someone and keeping a conversation going with someone I don't really know. I have not really met anyone new that actually lives near me and when I went to convention last year I didn't actually talk to anyone! xc I even did a cosplay but, no one really recognized who I was cosplaying as. I do find it a lot easier talking to people online and I've met some awesome people here. Is it a bad thing to have a shy personality? I do love being able to talk to people though http://31.media.tumblr.com/633e5e95973c6ab7323141164dc989df/tumblr_miradbj1y71rkmjjzo1_500.gif
Mar 06, 16 at 11:52pm
Hehe Heya Yuki. No need to be shy around me. :D I'm happy to chat with ya. ^_^ I'm understanding and easy to talk to. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/8e5d80eb37129dc0af107ce768d19902cbc0ce5c6c2538e8504621f18b6e7787.gif
lugexd @lugexd commented on Shyness
Mar 06, 16 at 11:54pm
I don't think its a bad thing. It can certainly make things more difficult. I myself am a pretty shy person. Though at times on here that might not be as noticeable. In person its a lot more noticeable. Personally, I actually like shy girls, and I think its absolutely adorable and at times can be very attractive to me ^.^ but in a general sense, its really not all that much of a bad thing. The problem with being shy is people think its being anti-social, when its really not. You want to talk to people, you just have a hard time doing so. The internet can make it a lot easier though, as it takes away the physical/visual aspect of talking to someone. Which is probably why it helps me talk to people more easily ^.^ granted, some people see at as a poor personality trait. and... i've met a lot of girls that find my shyness adorable as well >.>
Mar 07, 16 at 12:04am
lol who doesn't like a guy that is shy? xD
Mar 07, 16 at 12:06am
@bubblesparkle, thank you! that means a lot @luge, I have a very hard time talking to people in person. a common misconception is that just because I don't talk as often doesn't mean I don't like talking to people. I also don't open up that easily. I've found that people don't really talk to someone that is quiet and shy! @.@ I just needed to post this here to get some feelings out.
Mar 07, 16 at 12:16am
i'm pretty shy also, don't worry i understand. i even feel bad sometimes because i connect with some people more easily than others, but that's just how it goes
lugexd @lugexd commented on Shyness
Mar 07, 16 at 12:22am
that is true, sometimes its easier to connect and talk to different people. but it also depends on how they approach you too. my problem is more so i'm shy when talking to pretty girls, at least in person. on the net i'm more open and accommodated to it because they can't see me >.> and since i'm also awkward v.v yeah... its no bueno for me. x3 but the net helps a lot. though in the past year i've gained a lot of confidence over my own shyness in that regard. e.e but my anxiety still kicks in and kicks my ass.
Mar 07, 16 at 12:31am
I'm super awkward especially when I don't know someone that well in person. I generally can't think of what to say and I also blush uncontrollably a lot when I like someone. http://i.imgur.com/Ty6l5tE.jpg
VeZeal @axlex commented on Shyness
Mar 07, 16 at 12:34am
@BubbleSparkle Quite a few people it seems. Typically they like the more confident and outgoing guy. @Yuki-chan It's certainly not a bad thing to be shy. But you're going to find it more difficult to talk to others. I'm definitely shy online and off. It also doesn't help that I lack presence. I have left and entered areas and have not been noticed by people until moments after I've entered/left. But I'm getting off topic. Shyness isn't bad and it's typically easier to talk to someone online where you can take your time to gather your thoughts before saying something or replying to someone. Although in the real world, not everyone is going to approach you to try and initiate conversation.
Mar 07, 16 at 12:40am
Well I for one prefer the shy guy cause I know eventually they will become outgoing once they open up more ^^
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