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Florida anyone?

I was playing Super Mario Bros. Crossover and stuffing my face in Halloween Candy.
Nov 01, 13 at 8:10am
ssssseeeeeeee yyoouu had CANDY I didn't eat any and we didn't get back from the graveyard till 4 so im tired also the neighborhood I took my son to didn't have many people passing out candy but it was the experience and he got some candy
I didn't buy the candy. My mom brought them for my sis and I. I didn't even have that much candy anyway.
Nov 01, 13 at 7:58pm
I never said you had to buy it I said you had to eat it lolz :P
C'mon you lazy Floridian slouches post MOAR! We cannot let this topic fade away in the underbelly of the local talk, being overshadowed by not so important topics.
Nov 06, 13 at 7:18am
I was busy well semi busy gonna see thor dark world this Saturday woot woot
Nov 06, 13 at 7:42am
Yeeaah! Going with Anthony to watch it this saturday too
I saw Thor last night. Shit was EPIC.
Nov 13, 13 at 9:59am
Hi, everyone! Thank you Tiger Festival for the link~ I'm new to the site and I'm about to move to Dunnellon, Florida for a job. I'm one of the new Park Rangers at the Rainbow Springs State Park. :D I'm so excited! I've been trying to land a park ranger position since last Christmas! XD Anyway~ I just wanted to say hi and see how everyone is doing. :)
Nov 14, 13 at 9:53am
hello I had to live in that area a while ago for an ex but ive only been to that park once and was barely there
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