Kane Wrote Stuff
Kane Anrui @kaneanrui
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Kane Wrote Stuff
Kane Anrui @kaneanrui
Humanity deludes itself in falsehoods <br/>
They will believe whatever pleases themselves <br/>
No matter the evidence, even if reality denies it <br/>
They will deceive themselves and those around them <br/>
In effect, they create their own reality <br/>
Their reality is a fragile thing, in need of protection <br/>
Any who dare assault their reality must be put down <br/>
Whether it be socially, materially, physically, mentally, or literally <br/>
They must be stopped, lest reality collapse <br/>
This proves their reality is a false reality <br/>
What makes reality true, is that it is universal <br/>
Reality cannot be created nor destroyed <br/>
Anything that exists solely in the minds of man is like a dream <br/>
They claim these dreams are theory, that they may exist <br/>
They create evidence, and turn their theory into law <br/>
In effect, they turn dreams into reality <br/>
The reality that exists solely in their minds <br/>
In this way humans are self-deluding <br/>
They are willfully ignorant <br/>
- Lies Become Reality 04/xx/2013 <br/>
Written in Earth Science Class. Yep. A little... subtle.
Kane Anrui @kaneanrui
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Kane Wrote Stuff
Kane Anrui @kaneanrui
Humans are by nature selfish creatures <br/>
They cannot except that others can be more fortunate <br/>
Nor will they acknowledge their betters <br/>
They claim equality only to lower others <br/>
Their equality is oppression, not freedom <br/>
Punish the strong, not for wrongs, but for their existence <br/>
Put down the wise, for they are no better than the masses <br/>
While they claim these things, they create a paradox <br/>
They raise up mean with arbitrary power <br/>
They create monsters to destroy perceived monsters <br/>
They create disasters to destroy perceived disasters <br/>
They will bring down the world, <br/>
Just so that they feel they are not wronged <br/>
- Humanity is Selfish 04/xx/2013 <br/>
Another poem I wrote during Earth Science class. What? No, I'm not saying anything. I just had a lot of time during lectures to write.
Kane Anrui @kaneanrui
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Kane Wrote Stuff
Kane Anrui @kaneanrui
I am the lowest of humanity <br/>
I understand nothing <br/>
I feel nothing <br/>
I sit merely as an observer <br/>
Only being able to change my own mind <br/>
I am the lowest, <br/>
But why do people act as if they're below me? <br/>
Not in humility or in hierarchy, <br/>
But in action and mind <br/>
They make mistakes that have been made for millenniums <br/>
They never learn from their mistakes <br/>
I fall prey to the same, but I am lowly <br/>
How can I live in my place, when they move in? <br/>
Lowly as the Rest 04/xx/2013 <br/>
Earth Science Class.
Kane Anrui @kaneanrui
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Kane Wrote Stuff
Kane Anrui @kaneanrui
The minds of men are corrupt, <br/>
They see with their hearts, but not with their minds. <br/>
The heart is a motion, not a method. <br/>
It moves as it will, just like a ball. <br/>
To follow your heart is like following gravity, <br/>
it is pointless, it will always pull at you. <br/>
If one relied only on gravity, we would be unable to move. <br/>
The heart is similar, we would be unable to think. <br/>
To follow one's heart is foolish. <br/>
To disregard one's heart is equally idiotic. <br/>
One does not disregard gravity, <br/>
For it plays a major role in our lives. <br/>
And so, we must consider the heart, <br/>
But not follow it like a sweet aroma <br/>
- Untitled (2012-2013?)
I wrote this at some point within the last year. Unfinished and unedited.
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