Kane Wrote Stuff
Kane Anrui @kaneanrui
Kane Wrote Stuff
Kane Anrui @kaneanrui
Thought I might as well throw some of my poetry on here. My apologies if anyone thinks my poems are too... something. I wrote about whatever tickled my mind. I'll put them in order I wrote them, so at least there's some arbitrary order to my madness. I have uploaded all that I could find, so feel free to comment if you so desire. I suggest reading "The Serquance", "Living in Darkness", and "Lies Become Reality". Enjoy if you so desire:
As the sky darkens, and the stars start to shine<br/>
I look at the stars, whose radiance fills the night sky with light<br/>
As I do this, my sorrows rise up from deep inside<br/>
They fly from me, but not without leaving tears behind<br/>
As a tear traces my cheek, I wish I weren't alone<br/>
Wishing someone were here that knew how it felt, I grimace with shame<br/>
As people approach, I wipe my tears and smile<br/>
Only to have them replaced with more once they leave<br/>
I am alone, with only my tears and a star lit sky to comfort me<br/>
- Starry Sky<br/>
My first poem (04/27/2009). Inspired by the Mandy Moore song "Cry"
Kane Anrui @kaneanrui
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Kane Wrote Stuff
Kane Anrui @kaneanrui
The great darkness has come, but few resist it<br/>
The light dimmed, but no one took note<br/>
The lost are forever abandoned<br/>
The hungry are forever empty<br/>
Honor is left without a wielder<br/>
Fear is invited by all<br/>
Agony is brought on by celebrations<br/>
Joy comes from tears<br/>
The world revolves around those who inhabit the valley<br/>
The shallow seas swallow all who hope and dream<br/>
Trumpets sound as if the Chosen have come,though they have been vanquished<br/>
The grass waves as in welcoming, though it's leaving<br/>
The sun shines, but the darkness swallows us<br/>
The clouds are few, but they gather and block the light<br/>
Trees whistle a song, a song they don't mean<br/>
The cities are full, overflowing with emptiness<br/>
The foolish are credited as wise<br/>
As the storm gathers, I am alone<br/>
I stand alone against all<br/>
My end has come, will you live in the darkness?<br/>
- Darkness (04/28/2009)
Inspired by generic dramatic nonsense I read all over the place.
Kane Anrui @kaneanrui
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Kane Wrote Stuff
Kane Anrui @kaneanrui
The storm rages in the forest, the one within my heart <br/>
As the clouds gather, I try to hide <br/>
Alone I walk, the sound of thunder breaks the silence <br/>
Rain pours down, soaking me to my very soul <br/>
I run in fear, as the thunder approaches <br/>
Lightning crosses the sky, reaching to snatch my withered life <br/>
I run, the lightning follows <br/>
My feet carry me as fast as they can, but the storm follows <br/>
I trip over a root, hitting the muddy ground <br/>
The storm laughs triumphantly as it draws near <br/>
And just as its hands were closing on me, you appeared <br/>
The storm halted and stared in fear, fearing you <br/>
You looked at me and smiled, the storm vanished <br/>
... <br/>
The sun shines in the meadow, the one within my heart <br/>
And as the sun shines, I walk through the meadows <br/>
I walk with you, with only words to break the silence <br/>
Happiness fills me, soaking me to my very soul <br/>
I walk calmly, because I'm with you <br/> <br/>
- The Storm Within My Heart (04/29/2009)
Inspired by storms and Kingdom Hearts
Kane Anrui @kaneanrui
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Kane Wrote Stuff
Kane Anrui @kaneanrui
Guns fire, cries are heard <br/>
Out on the field of battle I am <br/>
The enemy presses forward <br/>
We exchange lives like grains of sand <br/>
My friends fall limp, bullets in their chests <br/>
One after another, they fall <br/>
Despair fills my heart <br/>
Here in battle, it matters little who you are <br/>
If you are an educated man or a hoodlum, bullets care not <br/>
Another friend falls, looking at me, then his eyes dim <br/>
These men that I've known for years, die in seconds before my eyes <br/>
Great is my pain, I decide it would be better to die then to live after this <br/>
As I stand up, to invite my death, I remember you <br/>
Your smile and laugh echo through my head <br/>
I duck back down, determined to make it out alive <br/>
Grab my fallen comrade's grenade and fling it at the enemy <br/>
My mind races, gunshots and explosions are heard, but not noticed <br/>
I awake to find myself alone, ducking behind a tree <br/>
The forest is quiet <br/>
I stand to walk, but feel pain in my limbs <br/>
Blood covers me as I limp towards camp <br/>
I see the tents as my eyes start to dim <br/>
Men rush out to me, but I cannot hear them <br/>
As my sight dims I pray that I will live to see you again <br/>
And if not, then I shall look forward to seeing you in Heaven <br/>
- A Soldier's Strength (04/29/2009) <br/>
Just wanted to make a poem dedicated to the military.
Kane Anrui @kaneanrui
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Kane Wrote Stuff
Kane Anrui @kaneanrui
Darkness gathers around me <br/>
I feel as though I'm being torn, torn by the shadows in my heart <br/>
The darkness grows as time goes on <br/>
I mustn't surrender, for if I do, I will die <br/>
As the darkness comes, I wonder "Would be so bad to die?" <br/>
My shield simply replies "You mustn't die, you must fight for right" <br/>
I shrug and grip the handle of my blade <br/>
My sword whispers "I'm ready for a fight", I wish I was <br/>
I look for reason to fight, like my shield and blade <br/>
I search my mind for reasons, but there is none <br/>
Darkness has come, I will slay it, but will I survive? <br/>
I may let it kill me as it breaths its last <br/>
But why do I wish to kill the Darkness, I ask <br/>
My shield eagerly replies "To protect people" <br/>
My sword chimes in "Because only you can" <br/>
I lower my sword, finding no comfort in what they say <br/>
This fight has no meaning, since another will rise and takes its place eventually <br/>
But I will slay this one, if only to please my companions <br/>
In the end, though, I shall let death claim us both <br/>
Since death shall free me of my pain <br/>
Darkness can merely take my life, but my soul will live on <br/>
I raise my sword, determined to die in this fight <br/>
At last the shadows would leave me <br/>
But as I glance at my heart, I caught glimpse of a light <br/>
A light that glowed dimly, and I thought I saw someone <br/>
Someone I didn't know <br/>
I didn't see the face, but it was what was causing the glow <br/>
I raised my sword up once again, determined to survive this <br/>
If only to know whether that person exists or not <br/>
If that person doesn't, I'll find another chance to die <br/>
If that person does... perhaps the shadows in my heart will leave <br/>
The Darkness roars and and gathers around me <br/>
I breath in deeply and raise my shield <br/>
The battle begins... <br/>
- Shadow Heart (05/01/2009) <br/>
Inspired by my phrase "Noctis Philosophor", although it's "Heart" rather than rational in this case. Emotion, rather than thought, thus the uncertainty.
Kane Anrui @kaneanrui
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Kane Wrote Stuff
Kane Anrui @kaneanrui
The streets are broken, like shattered pottery <br/>
Buildings are in ruin, bent like trees in a storm <br/>
Bodies cover the ground, all is silent <br/>
In front of me is the one who caused this <br/>
The one who has brought destruction <br/>
His hallow eyes stare through me, as if I didn't exist <br/>
His smile twitches in delight as he walks toward me <br/>
All alone, everyone I know is dead <br/>
He approaches me, hunger in his eyes <br/>
Despair grips my heart, I know it's the end <br/>
My life flies before me, seeing all that had transpired <br/>
Bodies lay nearby, all of them people I grew up knowing <br/>
Now cold and dead, never to speak another word or smile again <br/>
I remember my family and friends, all are gone <br/>
I wanted to be strong, to protect them, but it seems I couldn't <br/>
He draws near, licking his lips, enjoying my despair <br/>
But my fear turned to anger, He has taken everything from me <br/>
I cannot die before he has paid for what he's done <br/>
He laughs and lunges for me, I will end him, I won't surrender to death <br/>
And so I fight, I fight for those he's taken, and for those he will take <br/>
And so, I take what may be my final breath, and the fight begins... <br/>
- Final Battle 05/19/2009 <br/>
Inspired by dramatic pre-battle scenes.
Kane Anrui @kaneanrui
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Kane Wrote Stuff
Kane Anrui @kaneanrui
As the sun sets in Vegamon <br/>
The little Mermofs scurry home <br/>
And as the sky turns red, silence spreads <br/>
From my Relcin cabin in the heights I sit quietly <br/>
How content the Mermofs live, in their little Tellish homes <br/>
I sigh and bade goodbye as I drift off to sleep <br/>
The Serquanse once again visits my dream, and haunts me giddily <br/>
I try to wake up, all to no avail <br/>
The Serquanse laughed ghoulishly as it approached <br/>
"Oh foolish Valder, you seek peace though you are war" <br/>
My mouth moves, but nothing came out <br/>
"Remember your fate, embrace your future, become me once again!" <br/>
Serquanse glowed trestion, then touched my shoulder <br/>
PAIN! PAIN! Pain filled my every nerve! <br/>
My body cracked and broke <br/>
My legs melted and became tentacles <br/>
My arms burst into flames <br/>
My eyes were pierced by spikes <br/>
Pain, anger, and hatred filled my mind <br/>
And with a blood thirsty howl I charged into Vegamon <br/>
I no longer controlled myself, I could only watch the horrors I was committing <br/>
As the last Tellish home burned to the ground, the Serquanse left my body <br/>
With one last laugh it said "We'll meet again!" <br/>
I collapsed, unable to move <br/>
... <br/>
I awoke short of breath <br/>
Sweat soaked me to my bones <br/>
The bitter cold morning tore through me as I got out of bed <br/>
As the sun rises in Vegamon <br/>
The little Mermofs scurry of to work <br/>
And as the sky turns blue, noise reigns <br/>
From my Relcin cabin in the heights I sit quietly <br/>
How content the Mermofs live, in their little Tellish homes <br/>
- The Serquanse (06/03/2009) <br/>
Inspired by the poem "The Jabberwocky"
Kane Anrui @kaneanrui
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Kane Wrote Stuff
Kane Anrui @kaneanrui
A whisper, a sound <br/>
If only I weren't buried in the darkness <br/>
I wish to leave this hallow void, <br/>
And go into the light <br/>
But, Oh! The pain it causes <br/>
Every venture into the light ends the same <br/>
I run into the darkness, to hide from the pain <br/>
And every time, a little farther <br/>
A little deeper into the darkness <br/>
And my heart dies just a little more <br/>
I crave companionship, but get only enemies <br/>
I seek understanding, but get only pity <br/>
I dream of forgiveness, but only receive judgement <br/>
In the darkness, I now hide <br/>
Cloaked in this darkness, I am safe <br/>
Though it eats at my very soul <br/>
But the light, is no better <br/>
So I stay here, where no light can touch me <br/>
I feel no warmth, yet no cold <br/>
I am neither happy, nor saddened <br/>
For I am empty <br/>
But wait, a noise is heard <br/>
Footsteps echo in the darkness <br/>
Has the light come to hurt me more? <br/>
Have I not suffered enough? <br/>
Must I be shredded again? <br/>
Has my one haven been taken from me? <br/>
No, the footsteps don't match that of the heartless <br/>
Nor does it match those of dead hearts <br/>
Could a heart exist that isn't dead, or empty? <br/>
The shadowed figure reaches out a hand <br/>
Should I take it, and risk being hurt again? <br/>
I grasp the hand, hoping this time it will be different <br/>
Perhaps I won't be betrayed <br/>
But such thoughts are futile, <br/>
For I shall only be hurt again <br/>
But I have nothing to lose <br/>
For my heart is dead <br/>
I have only to gain <br/>
As I may receive hope <br/>
The figure leads me off down a path <br/>
Where are we going, only time will tell <br/>
I gaze back at my dark haven <br/>
"I'll be back soon", I half prophesied. <br/>
"After a little more pain, I'll return <br/>
- Living in Darkness 11/02/2009 <br/>
Inspired by Kingdom Hearts, my poem Shadow Heart, and just generic dramatic darkness.
Kane Anrui @kaneanrui
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Kane Wrote Stuff
Kane Anrui @kaneanrui
Apathy is death, a slow death <br/>
A death that starts on the inside <br/>
It eats and devours your insides, <br/>
Leaving you without a heart <br/>
The pain you suffer is unimaginable, <br/>
It hurts beyond all imagination <br/>
No one understands your pain, <br/>
What it feels like to rot away <br/>
They feel you can just "shake it off", <br/>
Or you're just "acting up", <br/>
Or perhaps it's "just a stage" <br/>
But we know it's something much deeper, <br/>
Something that goes to our very souls <br/>
Yet we cannot describe it, <br/>
And we cannot tell a soul <br/>
If we could, we'd tell them how it hurts, <br/>
How it's hard to do even simple things <br/>
How we have to go a mile, <br/>
Just to reach our bedroom door <br/>
And how we cannot feel anything, <br/>
Except the emptiness inside <br/>
How we suffer, die, and rise, <br/>
Only to fall again <br/>
Whenever we see a light, <br/>
It's just a glint off our own tears <br/>
But they just don't understand, <br/>
They think our sadness is just a fad <br/>
But the pain I feel is real, <br/>
Even more real than life itself <br/>
But perhaps my pain is unreal, <br/>
and maybe it's all in my mind <br/>
How do I stop this pain, <br/>
The pain I feel <br/>
All my insides are rotten, <br/>
And it's starting to show <br/>
I think I can keep it hidden, <br/>
Or at least for a while <br/>
But without anything inside, <br/>
I am worthless <br/>
I am a hollow shell, <br/>
Each time I'm stabbed, <br/>
I can feel it, and the pain lingures <br/>
I used to shrug it off, <br/>
And pretend nothing happened <br/>
But now, even that is difficult <br/>
But I don't care, <br/>
This pain has made me numb <br/>
So now I lay here, <br/>
With nothing inside, <br/>
Waiting for the day <br/>
When I will meet my demise <br/>
- Neverending Pain 09/10/2010 <br/>
Inspired by my extensive research into depression: What it is, types of depression, what causes it, effects on people, and what life is like with depression.
Kane Anrui @kaneanrui
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Kane Wrote Stuff
Kane Anrui @kaneanrui
Apathy is death <br/>
When all feeling leaves you, the sunlight has no warmth. <br/>
Your blood runs cold, and your heart stops beating. <br/>
When you become void devoid of emotion, there is only a hollowness. <br/>
Life becomes meaningless, a vacant space of time. <br/>
But you can give it importance, feigning its value. <br/>
Day to day, you distract yourself. <br/>
You refuse to recognize how pathetic and useless you are. <br/>
Do this, do that, go here, go there <br/>
Life becomes a never-ending circle of futility. <br/>
Love this, hate that, ignore this, attend to that <br/>
with such meaninglessness, we can forget our meaningless existence. <br/>
But the truth lurks in your mind, and murmors in your sleep <br/>
You cannot escape, it is bound to your very soul <br/>
If you bloat yourself with empty pleasure, you will forget <br/>
But it will remain forever lingering on the fringes of your mind <br/>
If you do good, you will find meaning <br/>
If you do this, the truth will die <br/>
Such futile thoughts are as meaningless as your life <br/>
If you are wicked, you will taint your heart to match a moonless night <br/>
Feeling will depart you, and you'll no longer see the truth <br/>
But you still feel its presence, forever watching you <br/>
Fear fills your every waking minute, you have yet to realize <br/>
You cannot ever satisfy the truth, it never abates. <br/>
Destined to suffer, you can only fight or surrender <br/>
It matters not, your very existence is meaningless <br/>
- Apathy is Death xx/xx/2012 <br/>
Inspired by the Knights of the Old Republic quote "Apathy is Death". Oh Kreia, I love/hate you too, you worthless best thing in the galaxy that is lower than dirt.
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