4chan lurkers

♥M~M♥ @masonmay
commented on
4chan lurkers
♥M~M♥ @masonmay
My humble opinion on 4chan...
The site existed from the start as a bunch of boards were people of like minded interest can discuss and share things. /b/, from the start, was a board where topics that didn't quite fit in any other board were placed. A thread couldn't be out spoken, a conversation continued for as long as someone was attentive of it. Some social and humorous gems were shared and overtime, became memes within the community.
Well as seeing somethings there were quite sensibly funny, it pulled more and more people onto the board. People with not the slightest clue of it's purpose other than getting laughs or leaving people with their mouths open. It became quite forced, people trying to achieve social recognition for the most heads they could turn. The content went from random discussion to shock humor.
People carried out pranks and shared tales of harassment within the community, and it developed into a culture centered on obscenity, and grotesque behavior.
/b/ became synonymous with 4chan.
The site now is nothing but people trying to piss off each other, and most boards move too fast to be functional.

yellowswerve @yellowswerve
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4chan lurkers
yellowswerve @yellowswerve
I'm glad someone actually knows what they're talking about and I must admit b is pretty shit now recently, but a lot of other boards are still pretty intact. I still check a and jp every once in a while to see when comiket is coming up or if there's any big artists streaming. Some boards are just straight battlegrounds though.

Yuusaku @yuusaku_godai
commented on
4chan lurkers
Yuusaku @yuusaku_godai
<font color="red"><strong>I TOTALLY agree MasonMay! I think you hit the nail on the head! I have to admit their internet culture is quite something and unique. It even has its' own language (more or less). I might go visit the site if only there was a text filter. The function of this text filter I have in mind would filter ALL text from ALL boards. That way you don't need to have your brain cells die off from each unintelligent-able comment that is posted there. Just browse pics according to channel.</strong></font>

♥M~M♥ @masonmay
commented on
4chan lurkers
♥M~M♥ @masonmay
I think music and artwork critique are really good boards. The content sharing boards still carry the function that they should. Yet, wherever there's a division in opinion in a community, someones out to provoke a shit storm.
It's not that I don't find it funny, but overtime I become tepidly apathetic to all the obscenity and insults. I would appreciate some contrast at times.

Yuusaku @yuusaku_godai
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4chan lurkers
Yuusaku @yuusaku_godai
<font color="red"><strong>(Nods)</strong></font>

yellowswerve @yellowswerve
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4chan lurkers
yellowswerve @yellowswerve
There actually is text filter, it's called spoilers, it's on almost all the boards

Yuusaku @yuusaku_godai
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4chan lurkers
Yuusaku @yuusaku_godai
<font color="red"><strong>I know what that is but it fulfills a different purpose. Not quite the same.</strong></font>

S @sugihara
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4chan lurkers
S @sugihara
4chan is fun to lurk.
Usually I'll be on /k/ (Weapons) or /v/ (Video Gaming) because those interest me most.
There's no reason for you two to argue like children over the site.

Yuusaku @yuusaku_godai
commented on
4chan lurkers
Yuusaku @yuusaku_godai
<font color="red"><strong>Oh Sugi, you're right. I shouldn't pay any mind to the immature kids on here. </strong></font>

S @sugihara
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4chan lurkers
S @sugihara
Hurling insults doesn't help anything but fan flames.
Stay classy.
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