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California Meet Up!

Sep 23, 13 at 9:29pm
I mentioned this meetup up on meetup.com/mangaclub/ which is a group for otaku like us. Hopefully we get more guests coming.
Sep 23, 13 at 10:28pm
Um. I'm not sure we want a bunch of people not from MO...
Yea uh... hmm last time I checked it was a maiotaku meet up not a random ppl from everywhere to meet up just saying Anyways imma just bump this lol
Sep 25, 13 at 1:47pm
It's not a random people meetup. This is an aspect about Anime otaku I do not like. Not accepting of outsiders and if you actually looked at the website it is an otaku group. This ladies and gentlemen is a term called Networking. First off this website is not easy to find and the fact that some of you discourage networking shows how this community will do very little in the growth department. I suggested to the people on meetup that they come to this website. Ridiculous. I would think many of you would encourage growth to this community and not cut off due to not being registered. The people I plan on bringing arent registered members to this website. Should I tell them They are sol unless they register? Think about it.
Sep 25, 13 at 1:56pm
I just have qualms meeting people in real life that I have never met before or talked to before over the internet. There is no need to get over defensive over it. I was perfectly happy keeping the group small and just enjoying the company of people I have already made friends with on this website. The people that you are bringing are friends of you, meaning that they have at least some sort of connection, so they would be fine. But now that you took the liberty of inviting other people without even asking if that was okay, we now have to accommodate however many random people show up. While I'm not particularly against meeting new people, this isn't your meetup and you didn't ask any of the participants if what you were doing was okay. Which I find incredibly rude. Next time, when someone invites you to an event that you didn't make, you should ask before taking the liberty to invite other people. It's called manners.
Sep 25, 13 at 2:06pm
There is a need to get defensive. When individuals like yourself say they are unwilling to meet people that are not on this website it shows an aspect about a persons character. A few of my friends who I am bringing with are not part of this community but that doesnt mean they do not have similar interests. If you really want to make a big deal about the fact I encourage growth to this community I will withdraw participation from your clique. Accommodations are not necessary considering you are not baby sitting anyone or paying for anyone. When was anyone invited? It's called a meetup. And anyone with access to the information in this thread can come and go as they please.
Sep 25, 13 at 2:08pm
Also I did not see you object when Rina said she was bringing her little sister.
Sep 25, 13 at 2:14pm
the reason y Rina is bringing her little sister b/c its her little sister? she needs someone by her side and not go along? lol ur dumb. ofc no one would object that. the reason they r objecting your's is b/c u r inviting ppl that none of us dont know from diff sites and it could be dangerous. just cause they r having a meet up and its around LA u think its ok for more ppl to show up? u should think about what u do on this so called internet. just cause they like anime stuff to. doesnt mean they can be invited. the invite is only for MAITAKU ppl. i wish i can go to cali but im so far away :( maybe next yr ill go or something. dont ever invite others that arnt on this site. u dont know those ppl or we dont knwo them and we obviously dont know you.
Sep 25, 13 at 2:15pm
not go alone*
Sep 25, 13 at 2:17pm
Read my post again. I said your friends are fine because YOU know them. Rina's sister would be fine because RINA knows her. If your friends or Rina's sister becomes a problem, we could easily approach the person who brought them and ask them to have a talk, we cannot do this with random people. However, I have problems meeting with people that I have never met before and having to be stuck with them for several hours. While we do not accommodate them financially, we will be forced to take them into consideration when we do things.
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