Subbed or Dubbed?
Toltecatl (Mike) @toltecatl
Subbed or Dubbed?
Toltecatl (Mike) @toltecatl
The endless debate...
<a href="">Who's Afraid of Sailor Moon?</a>
havoc81 @havoc81
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Subbed or Dubbed?
havoc81 @havoc81
Awesome video. I watch All subbed now but all the stuff I watched back in the day I still watch in Dub because those character will always have those voices in my head. There is some really good dubbed anime, but overall subbed is usually higher quality. Then again you get horrible subtitles to, so to each there own.
shinta_otsuki @shinta_otsuki
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Subbed or Dubbed?
shinta_otsuki @shinta_otsuki
it depends honestly on the dub and the anime
i will only watch Rurouni Kenshin in English
i will only watch HoTD and Ouran Highschool Host Club in sub
most anything else goes either way
bookwatcher @bookwatcher
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Subbed or Dubbed?
bookwatcher @bookwatcher
I only watch subbed. I love the japanese voice actors compared to the poor quality dubbed voices.
feydikan @feydikan
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Subbed or Dubbed?
feydikan @feydikan
Subbed 90% of the time, But I have to agree with Havoc81, there are series what I watched dubbed that I still enjoy due to the voice acting. GITS is the first that comes to mind.
supernova11 @supernova11
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Subbed or Dubbed?
supernova11 @supernova11
Im with bookwatcher. Subbed all the way
DemonGod @demongod
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Subbed or Dubbed?
DemonGod @demongod
I can normally watch dubs if I haven't seen the subs first. After you get used to the voices being a certain way, it can be kind of hard to adjust. That's not to say that English dubs are bad. There are actually several VA's I like, it's just a matter for me of which I hear first that manages to establish itself in my mind as the definitive voice for the character.
sk_bastian @sk_bastian
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Subbed or Dubbed?
sk_bastian @sk_bastian
Oh, fun a debate where I am mostly on the opposite end of the spectrum. I prefer dubs 9 times out of ten. However, there are many factors that go into my personal opinion on this matter. Honestly I don't really care what you prefer. You like what you like and there is nothing wrong with that.
Food for thought (A small section just discussing my opinion. Feel free to respond or not, but know that this is no attack, just talk ^^)
First off, I have to give props to the VA's who actually do this for a living. They are giving people the opportunity to enjoy something they may not otherwise get to because of a language barrier. Now before you write an angry message back, have you ever heard someone say "I hate reading my films/Tv?" I have run across this phrase many a time. Dubbing allows for a wider following. Commercial, I know, but there must be a big enough following to make buying titles worth it. I have a personal reason for liking dubs. Its not that I don't like reading my movies, but that it is very difficult for me to do so, since I have very bad vision. With out these dubs I may not have come to love Anime as I do now.
But, dear god I have run into horrible dubs, and believe me the ears have bled hearing them. With that said though I have become quite fond of several American actors who lend their voice to the art and take their own spin on things.
The other thing that I hear that make me chuckle is that "things are changed!" Yes of course they are, and for several reasons! One is commercial again but another is that is extremely difficult to translate things.I have had some experience translating from one language to another and I have become fully aware what a difficult task it is, especially when there are cultural nuances. Not even the subs are perfect, because things are written in such a way that it will make sense to the intended audience. Idiomatic expressions are the worst! You can only find equivalents for them, if one even exists.
So just keep that in mind as you watch your preferred form of anime and enjoy.
All the best everyone,
missbritt321 @missbritt321
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Subbed or Dubbed?
missbritt321 @missbritt321
I watch Sub.
To me Dub is boring, and I can just walk away from my computer and still know what's gong on. If it's Sub I actually have to watch and see what's going on.
Also when and if I watch Dub the voices to me don't match up to the character, and sometimes the Dubbed voices say a characters name wrong.
ロイ @wallace614
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Subbed or Dubbed?
ロイ @wallace614
Just like havoc said the anime I watched as a kid will be either in English or Spanish depending on where I was when I watch it but I made my resolution that if I wanted to get used to japanese I would have to watched them subbed and I been doing that for the past ten years now but there some that will never replace the dubbed I watch before
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