
zerotooohero @zero_onimatsu
zerotooohero @zero_onimatsu
Yes I'm so glad I can go to collage anyone have any tips these are my first collage

Amezuki @amezuki
commented on
Amezuki @amezuki
It depends on what kind of materials you're working with and how durable you want it to be. If you're just talking about a bunch of newspaper clippings then normal PVA glue is fine. If you're bonding different materials to the collage you might want rubber cement.<br><br>
...oh, you meant <i>college</i>! XD

zerotooohero @zero_onimatsu
commented on
zerotooohero @zero_onimatsu
Yeah sorry for the misspell

Amezuki @amezuki
commented on
Amezuki @amezuki
It just struck me as a bit ironic for a thread about seeking higher education.

zerotooohero @zero_onimatsu
commented on
zerotooohero @zero_onimatsu
Lol I see what you mean

Pawlitics @pawlitics
commented on
Pawlitics @pawlitics
I'm starting college on Monday, though there are a bunch of mandatory lectures and discussions and some social events Saturday and Sunday. Most of the info seems geared towards residential students so it's kind of a pain for commuting students like me to figure everything out. I would say just be aware of everything and keep track of any important dates or times you should know.
I've also got a nice collage going on my notebooks so I have something pretty to look at while taking notes. (≧∇≦)

zerotooohero @zero_onimatsu
commented on
zerotooohero @zero_onimatsu
Where are you going to college at paw

Elizabeth @anjukuran
commented on
Elizabeth @anjukuran
Don't do drugs and you'll be fine, oh and go to class.
oh and @amezuki, LMFAO i was thinking the same thing.

zerotooohero @zero_onimatsu
commented on
zerotooohero @zero_onimatsu
Wwwwaaaahhhh I'm sorry I mispelled college ok
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