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Apr 25, 22 at 3:45pm
@a1ephy they didn't sacrifice their own people. They would capture people in battle. They had military tactics specifically for that. @sobo275 perfect response XD https://c.tenor.com/OUDudKla2pIAAAAC/homura-chika.gif
If i remember well there is still some tribes out there that would eat their dead loved ones… some kinda they gonna live in our body kijnda thin XDDDD
Apr 25, 22 at 3:52pm
@gdmh39 yes, in papua new Guinea. Yet they would sick from prion disease since they consumed brain and spinal tissue. Eventually a European anthropologist told them to stop and the disease disappeared. Interestingly the Aztecs only consumed tissue from the limbs and gave the torso to their zoo animals. The head was cleaned to a skull and used for decoration. So the Aztecs probably had no issue with prion diseases https://c.tenor.com/iGXXADKZNKwAAAAC/anime-anime-hungry.gif
I was referring to hearts in general. Like if someone really likes cereal. I could say "boy really likes his cereal."
I could see why eating certain humans could be appealing Lol https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/facebook/001/504/101/2fa.jpg
"Prison disease" Got a smirk outta me with that.lol Prion. Also, make sure your human is clean. No one likes ass that tastes like ass.
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Apr 25, 22 at 3:58pm
I'm still hungry! https://c.tenor.com/DQxlU5Geyf0AAAAC/hungry-cute.gif
You all need more jesus
Apr 25, 22 at 4:02pm
@gdmh39 I bet your thighs taste good, GD https://c.tenor.com/xCHUw_JZFBAAAAAC/eat-hungry.gif
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