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Video Games :)

Mar 21, 11 at 9:02pm
Ive got alot of systems 3DO, was probably one of the cool systems i played on when i was younger. I still have my old atari sitting in my attic. But i still love my NES and SNES there by far my favorite over those 2. The one i play more tho is my Xbox360 but ive went through 4 of those and on my 5th so i really hate Xbox's. They burn up to fast and over heat/Red ring of Death. I own 2 PS3s about 5 gameboys XD 1 Gameboy advance, dreamcast was pretty fun back then to. ive got about all the systems other then saturn or the jag oh and the vertual boy thing i never one of those. One game that was super hard i never could beat but could like get to the end was the jrassic park game. Id get to like the raptor eggs and stuff but i never could find what to do in it inside X3 was a long ass game to be SNES.
Mar 21, 11 at 9:04pm
Oh one of my favorite games on the NES was Bucky-O-Hare it was hard to i never could beat that got to end trying to kill the frog dude and just never could kill him.
Oh, MAN!! There was a Bucky O' Hare Video game???!! And for the NES?? WTF?? I used to LOVE the cartoon when I was younger.
Bucky was hard. Definetely harder than Super Ghouls and Ghosts.
Mar 24, 11 at 10:22pm
yea there was a Bucky O Hare game for the NES and I loved the series to Kaji. Super gouls and Ghost i freakin Hated that game i always would get right before the castle to a area that i never could jump over and id use all my lives there trying to get over it.
Mar 24, 11 at 10:23pm
At times i wanted to toss my system XD just because i couldnt get over that jump...
Wii could've been better if they didn't FORCE you to use the WiiMote and Nunchaku, and the motion detection. Why can't the Wii have more games for the classic gamers? They DID do Smash Bros. Brawl like that, thankfully.... Still, the is a bit interesting, in my opinion, as using the kinds of controls for games like Super Mario Galaxy can be a nice change of pace for those who are looking for something new try. However, I am not one of those people who wanted a change. Anyway, my favorite console.....PS3, so far. I agree with Ikkoku on the Saturn. It's good! I used to play Virtua Cop, Daytona USA, Sonic 3D Blast, Sonic Jam, Street Fighter Alpha 2 Gold(loved that game), Sonic R, Virtua Fighter games, Figthers MegaMix, and others on the Sega Saturn. The Genesis was a nice little console for me, as well. I loved playing NFL Football 94, Sonic 2, Sonic 3, Sonic & Knuckles, Golden Axe(I think that was the name...), X-Men, Comix Zone, and several other games on the Genisis. My first consoles were Atari and Intellivision.......I miss those games.....
Mar 26, 11 at 1:02am
Golden Axe was the game back then lol. I loved that game to and your right thats the name of it. Minw was Atari to and i know another SNES game i use to really like and that was Final Fight. It was a pretty fun game to play but i like games like that i think there was one for genesis to called Street Rengaged or something that was fun to play that was like Final Fight. PS3 i had my PS3 for about a year and i only played it like 2-3 times within a year but it was beacause i played Final Fantasy XI on my PS2 and Xbox360. But ive got into some games like Dontes Inferno, Infamous, and i really liked Fallout 3. Ive still got white knight cronicals when it first came out and ive yet to even put it in and play it XD.
Final Fight....I know the game, but I'm not sure if I've played it or not. However, I HAVE played Streets of Rage(That's the name of the game you're talking about, I believe.)! SoR was a nice game! I played SoR 1, 2, and 3! I liked to play as Roo in the 3rd game(I THINK Roo was in the 3rd one...). At first, I didn't play my PS3 much, either. I was too preoccupied with my PS2, DS, and Comp games/MMORPGs!! When I DID play my PS3, I rented games from the local video store, and when I got the internet, I downloaded Demos to play(very fun!). Much later after that, I was able to get Final Fantasy 8 and Scott Pilgrim Vs The World as downloads to my PS3, and then I was able to get Dragon Age: Origins. I've played Fallout 3, too, and I like it, as well! I haven't played White Knight Chronicles yet, but I want to, eventually. There's alot games that I wish to play, but I feel I should try to finish the games I already HAVE that I haven't finished yet, like Sakura Wars: So Long, My Love and Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life-Special Edition for my PS2, Mario Kart DS, and practice more of my Japanese with "My Japanese Coach" for DS. I even have a PS1 game that I need to work on!
Mar 28, 11 at 8:32pm
nice kaji yea that was the name of the game. Ive played all 3 to. Im not sure which one i liked to play as the most but there was a girl that use to do kicks like Chun from Street Fighter she was my favorite to play with. I love MMORPGs and the only one i have not really played is WoW just because i play FFXI tho. Ive not played dragon Age yet but was going to try it. I thought about buying the Dynasty Warriors: Strikeforce online for the PS3 or Dead Rising 2
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