Turn offs?

Amezuki @amezuki
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Turn offs?
Amezuki @amezuki
Yeah, I think I'll pass on that particular life experience.

Yuusaku @yuusaku_godai
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Turn offs?
Yuusaku @yuusaku_godai
<font color="red"><strong>Speaking of piercings I'm into nipple piercings. They are uber sexy.</strong></font>

PK Thoron @julioelgamer
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Turn offs?
PK Thoron @julioelgamer
I thought it was called prince albert, i'm thinking on getting one but i don't trust mexican piercers lel

Yuusaku @yuusaku_godai
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Turn offs?
Yuusaku @yuusaku_godai
<font color="red"><strong>Well down here in Texas a cock piercing is known as a Prince Albert.</strong></font>

xueli @xueli
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Turn offs?
xueli @xueli
oh! My bad, yeah, albert's the penis and charles is the anus one. Whoops!

Yuusaku @yuusaku_godai
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Turn offs?
Yuusaku @yuusaku_godai
<font color="red"><strong>Yeah, not into piercings for myself but on others it's cool. Personally I like cock rings. That's as far kinky I'm gonna get for myself.</strong></font>

xueli @xueli
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Turn offs?
xueli @xueli
I'm not super into piercings either (says the person who had a monroe piercing but let it close). Much more into tattoos. I'm hoping to get visible ones once I'm at a clinic/hospital that'll let me if I at least cover it up

PK Thoron @julioelgamer
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Turn offs?
PK Thoron @julioelgamer
I want to have a penis piering becaus I read that they make women feel better at intercourse lel

Yuusaku @yuusaku_godai
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Turn offs?
Yuusaku @yuusaku_godai
<font color="red"><strong>@xueli<P>
Oh? What tats do you have?</strong></font>

PK Thoron @julioelgamer
commented on
Turn offs?
PK Thoron @julioelgamer
I want to get a big Tattoo on my back, maybe a crest from one of the blazblue characters
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