PansexualFangirl @pansexualotaku
commented on
PansexualFangirl @pansexualotaku
Here's exactly what I think you should do:
1)Report those people. Depending on what hey said, they could be committing a hate crime. They can get in serious trouble.
If the staff doesn't take care of it, you might have to try this:
1)Tell her to deactivate or ignore her account. DeviantART has went downhill with all sorts of hate. It used to be a nice site, but now, it is filled with haters because people couldn't contain their excitement for such a large site.
2)Introduce her to a better site. This site is a great choice.
This site has many open people. I have not seen even ONE hater on this site, and I don't think we will anytime soon.
If she is still upset, give her a help line number. Look up something like "help line," or even "life line" and find one open 24 hours. They are sure to help.
I hope this helped at least a little bit!
Galactic-Squidd @kawaiidango
commented on
Galactic-Squidd @kawaiidango
Oh....the forum she put up had nothing to do with her artwork XD
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