Corpse Party

Demy @nekonyandemy
Corpse Party
Demy @nekonyandemy
Sorry if this topic has already been brought up :x
Has anyone played Corpse Party: Blood Covered Repeated Fear and/or Corpse Party: Book of Shadows?
I'm wondering if there are any other people who like dark and disturbing games like these :P I tend to like games that make me feel uneasy. What would you do if you were in a situation like in Corpse Party? Be sure to leave a spoiler warning if you're going to mention something specifically from the game. I've beaten the first and I'm very close to finishing the second, so I'm mostly open :D
Personally, I'd probably be too scared to leave whatever room I begin in, simply because of knowing what can happen to me there >.< But the main thing seems to be to stick with whoever you might be with and be very aware of your surroundings. Oh, and carry food and water with me just in case I get sucked into any alternate dimensions that don't have much of both.

Cecil @cecil
commented on
Corpse Party
Cecil @cecil
I downloaded the first one last year after I got my Vita and still need to get the second one at some point. It's a pretty good story for a game like this even if it isn't very long, but it definitely worth the download if you like japanese style horror. Very creepy and some of the bad endings you get are just, well yeah...pretty horrific stuff.

Demy @nekonyandemy
commented on
Corpse Party
Demy @nekonyandemy
Book of Shadows goes into even more detail with the deaths and characters >.< There have been a few endings so far that made me feel weird just reading them xD I didn't feel that way with the first game (though it still made me feel uneasy at times.) I just wish they had kept the same game play format with the 3rd person view. It's more of a point and click type of game. Though, I still like it a lot.

Lorii @meow_tron
commented on
Corpse Party
Lorii @meow_tron
these are some of my favorite games, im halfway done with book of shadows right now

Demy @nekonyandemy
commented on
Corpse Party
Demy @nekonyandemy
I still have 2 more chapters to go in that one. Have you been trying to get all of the chapter endings, or are you just trying to complete it?

Lorii @meow_tron
commented on
Corpse Party
Lorii @meow_tron
i have gotten all the chapter endings so far, its not as obscure as the first one

Demy @nekonyandemy
commented on
Corpse Party
Demy @nekonyandemy
D: I thought it seemed a bit more disturbing than the first. Especially since it gave Morishige more of a part >.< and then the whole chapter with Mayu was pretty messed up :x

Lorii @meow_tron
commented on
Corpse Party
Lorii @meow_tron
i miss the gory sprites from the first game and i also wish the death scenes werent so censored

Demy @nekonyandemy
commented on
Corpse Party
Demy @nekonyandemy
Oh. Yeah, there are a lot of moments where the screen is black and it just describes what's going on. The sound effects during those scenes are decent at least :x I do miss the sprites too though v.v Hopefully they'll go back to that style of game play.

Lorii @meow_tron
commented on
Corpse Party
Lorii @meow_tron
sachiko is very cute, i like her alot
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