Fans of old school video games such as Super Mario,Zelda,Megaman,Sonic,Kirby,Ninja Gaiden and so forth COME HERE FOR SOMETHING A
ZeldaChan @monjachan
commented on
Fans of old school video games such as Super Mario,Zelda,Megaman,Sonic,Kirby,Ninja Gaiden and so forth COME HERE FOR SOMETHING A
ZeldaChan @monjachan
HUUUGE Fan of TLOZ and Mario.. ^^
Currently being depressed about how the ca anime is..
I was looking forward to a great anime when I heard there would be
an anime with a character based of link in it..
He was hardly even recognizeable.. :(
haha, So adorable.. this takes me back to the older nintendo days.. <3
Who can ever forget games such as tloz and la when all you did was walk sideways ^^ Kawaii <3
Nintendo fans, Unite!! Love the title of the topic.. Kinda long though xD
Tiger Festival @animeboy
commented on
Fans of old school video games such as Super Mario,Zelda,Megaman,Sonic,Kirby,Ninja Gaiden and so forth COME HERE FOR SOMETHING A
Tiger Festival @animeboy
^ you didn't read the OP didn't you? -.-
ZeldaChan @monjachan
commented on
Fans of old school video games such as Super Mario,Zelda,Megaman,Sonic,Kirby,Ninja Gaiden and so forth COME HERE FOR SOMETHING A
ZeldaChan @monjachan
No, I did.. ^^
Tada, I'm pretty much a zelda fangirl.. I take my chance to brag about it whenever I can <3 :D
And the 2nd paragraph was meant for this game.. xD
So, right back to you ^^ ;)
OrAnGe SiCkLeSp0p @nightmaresweets
commented on
Fans of old school video games such as Super Mario,Zelda,Megaman,Sonic,Kirby,Ninja Gaiden and so forth COME HERE FOR SOMETHING A
OrAnGe SiCkLeSp0p @nightmaresweets
*pops in*eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek!!!!!!!! sly cooper and spryo the dragon fans!!*looks around* where da fuck yall at?xD
Yu @metaljester
commented on
Fans of old school video games such as Super Mario,Zelda,Megaman,Sonic,Kirby,Ninja Gaiden and so forth COME HERE FOR SOMETHING A
Yu @metaljester
Yay for zelda im with monja for zelda and spyro and sly cooper are awesome although the old spyros are my favorite
OrAnGe SiCkLeSp0p @nightmaresweets
commented on
Fans of old school video games such as Super Mario,Zelda,Megaman,Sonic,Kirby,Ninja Gaiden and so forth COME HERE FOR SOMETHING A
OrAnGe SiCkLeSp0p @nightmaresweets
...*looks around again* any pokemon snap or hey you pikachu fan?wwhat about conkers bad fur day or pokemon stadium?^-^
Yu @metaljester
commented on
Fans of old school video games such as Super Mario,Zelda,Megaman,Sonic,Kirby,Ninja Gaiden and so forth COME HERE FOR SOMETHING A
Yu @metaljester
I played all of those also gex kirby donkey kong 64 and many others dont forget gloverman and starfox
OrAnGe SiCkLeSp0p @nightmaresweets
commented on
Fans of old school video games such as Super Mario,Zelda,Megaman,Sonic,Kirby,Ninja Gaiden and so forth COME HERE FOR SOMETHING A
OrAnGe SiCkLeSp0p @nightmaresweets
have anyone played the new sly cooper 4 game yet?=/
Yu @metaljester
commented on
Fans of old school video games such as Super Mario,Zelda,Megaman,Sonic,Kirby,Ninja Gaiden and so forth COME HERE FOR SOMETHING A
Yu @metaljester
I have heard of it want to play that one myself
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