Asupon ❥ @asupon
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Asupon ❥ @asupon
I'm 24 don't even feel old yet!
Yuusaku @yuusaku_godai
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Yuusaku @yuusaku_godai
Yeah, I've been making friends with people 12 years younger than me; it's no problem with me. Might have potential to become more than friends but I don't think I would look too out of place. I tend to appear 21/22 to most people anyways.
Nekohime @nekohime
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Nekohime @nekohime
18 almost 19!!^^ age isn't an issue because I've watched my parents marriage thrive and their many years apart!^^
samxdash @samxdash
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samxdash @samxdash
Im 24. ^_^
FukboiFrasia @frasia2162
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FukboiFrasia @frasia2162
I'm 16 going on 17
guilliano @guilliano
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guilliano @guilliano
just turned 25 last month
kittie_saya @kittie_saya
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kittie_saya @kittie_saya
23 here, will be 24 in July.
wiglaf @wiglaf
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wiglaf @wiglaf
I'm 32, will be 33 in July. Don't feel like you're too old, TC or anyone else, age isn't all that. There is adult and there is "not adult", beyond that the use of age as a metric isn't as useful. I just finished dating a 21 year old and it worked out better than you'd think. A bit of difference in generational culture and music, but we had a lot more interests in common than we had differences. I have a friend that is married to a woman half his age and they're one of the happiest couples i've seen. Just had a kid too. So just pursue whoever matches you as a person, and don't worry about being old man :)
nekoart @nekoart
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nekoart @nekoart
33 here but age does not really matter all that much
I have known 12 year old kids that where more mature than many 40 year old people.
J_Awesome @j_awesome
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J_Awesome @j_awesome
31 here. In the dating pool, being old is suffering :(
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