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What 'Type' do you like?

Cute and shy. But when you get her alone just the two and a little hentai and she makes that first move WHOA! I love when they play hard to get too. I dont want a "easy" girl i dont want a "HOT" girl i want a Beautiful girl I can love for everything that she is. not what she wants to be if that make any sense. Im talking about self-esteem!!
I think the type in my mind is really like the opposite of an anime otaku... but im at the stage of being just open-minded. people say the type that we want for sex most often is different from what we want as a life partner(subconsiously maybe). and im looking for the latter so...
Wait, so why the hell are you here? You're not going to find guido party boys here. As an added note, it doesn't seem like there are many actual otaku here, just people who like anime or raging weeaboos. I feel ripped off.
perhaps i said it wrong? I think i know what kind of guys and girls you are... im open to trying an anime person one last time, and not just anime people but just anyone even if youre not in my scene. why ping, you got the hots for me?
I don't think that's the way to go about it, miss. A person's hobby or hobbies rarely reflect the kind of person they are.
eh thats why i dont care about the hobbies and interest anymore??? -_- maybe gender even hohohohohoohoooo doesnt hurt to see what happens eh
If you can't relate to someone, you'll never get along with them. *shrug*
my last bf was mad into cars and i just cant relate to the whole my car is a part of my body!!! thing... but we never had issues about it... i dance, and not all my bfs are cool with it or understands it, but we never had issues either about it just coz they can't relate to it. unless your hobby is running your life to the extent even that youre addicted to it, then that can be an issue. my other ex who IS addicted to WOW who 'does nothing but play it all day' and cant even talk to me without putting the keyboard down, i cannot relate and yes it was an issue.
Jul 03, 12 at 7:14pm
I'm not a romantic on the surface, and even after people get to know me, I don't change too much. Yes, I LOVE romance and cute things, I'm just not very good at showing it. So whenever I try to turn on the charm, I just do my best to be witty and smile. I'd like to say that appearances don't matter, but looking at the guys I've dated, it's obvious that it does (tall, black hair, green eyes...oh baby~). I also seem to date super-romantics. The kind that cuddle, kiss, watch cute tv shows and get stuffed animals. So my type is the complete opposite of me! But I can't stand clinginess. It's a killer.
That's an incredibly self-contradictory statement.
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