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The last person

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Dec 14, 12 at 1:56pm
Well he said a free interwebz......but hmm good question. >_< but idk lol I just want to be the last one. T_T
Dec 14, 12 at 1:59pm
Yes @Sandman the whole class is missing I saw the news. I've heard it all. It's sad. Only you must realize that people die everyday. They aren't the only ones in trouble. I feel sorry for them all but the thing is that there are people in Syria getting bombed, children in Africa struggling to survive, people still trying to recover from hurricane Sandy, and thousands of people around the world in dangerous situations right this instant. We cannot focus our attention on one situation. We must consider things that happen in the world as a whole, keeping them in our thoughts and prayers as well as trying to help in any way possible with things.
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Dec 14, 12 at 2:06pm
Very sad.. and @cantthinkofabettername what are you up to?
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