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This guy is creeeeping me out

hopefully, the mods visit this thread then: http://imgur.com/a/b7R6L
I want to break his neck >.<
Ohhhhhhhhhhh wow, im sorrry that the guy talked to u tooooo
Welcome to the internet, if you cannot just ignore it and think of it as stepping on trash then you might be in the wrong place. While It's true some should behave themselves in a well manured fashion, you should also just ignore it, and realize there's a screen in front of them so they're free to act as they please, Just another person wanting some good old fashion attention. While I would join in on the lynching mob because of the actions of one idiot, for all I know he's mentally ill (not saying he is) and as someone who could relate to that I won't judge with no information on the person.
....Im done talking about this SHIT.....arrrrrrg..fuck the asshole, he can BURN in hell for I fucking care tbh. But yaaa, im done talking about this asshole.....hes not worth my time !
@the_voice_of_anime hi, you might be right on some points, but you could say that about real life too, it's not just in the internet that people get harassed by other people, sick or not. also, if ignoring this person means that he could make another person feel unsafe instead of others speaking to put him in his place, then what the hell do social contracts exist for? there are protocols to follow about being a decent human wherever you might be, online or in real life. we could be understanding as much as we want to people like him who are potentially mentally ill, but how about those who he could be victimizing that are also potentially mentally ill? if he harassed someone who is going through depression, how is that person going to defend himself/herself?
That lad was likely nothing more than a sad troll. But still, the last thing this site needs is morons to creep people out and further unbalance the userbase. Newcoming girls and anyone for that matter have the right to come here without facing that harassment in the first place. It's good that he's been kicked out, it would be better still to implement better ways of blocking/reporting people in the future, end of story.
@Ringo_Blue Oh and? tell me what can you personally do? you see I believe in only getting upset when there is a problem I can fix, see guys like that have existed for a long time trust me I stream on twitch I get death threats and other shit like it's candy being handed out on Halloween, never once have I lost my composure even when the females I've streamed with are being harassed. If its an idiot looking for a rise out of people good job give him what he wants, maybe get him band, and oh look now he's back. See you can flash the words "protocols" or even "Rules" around but what does that mean to someone that doesn't care? merely vague concepts he doesn't have to follow because they're in fact just vague concepts, he doesn't "have" to follow them merely words that don't hold too much weight really, and "put him in his place?" yeah no those kinds of people feed off attention so that will go nowhere fast but nice try. As far as people that get harassed outside of the internet, there can be trauma involved as well as some that have dealt with it, it goes both ways. did I say be more understanding? I don't recall, I merely stated that's how I look at it, don't go mixing what I said you should do with my personal thoughts on what I think of the person as I like to examine the situation, if the person is in a confused state of mind in other words not himself then I personally wont pass judgment if it's just silly actions online. I'm simply making a point I know nothing of the person, for all I care proceed with a witch hunt and find the person.
@the_voice_of_anime i have other questions about your response, but i don't want to get the original topic of this post to get derailed. stay cool, dude.
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