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I am the combination of cuddly and destructive. ヽ(`Д´)ノ

Hello, hello to you all. Just joined yesterday. Please take care of me. m(._.)m Instantly I assume I like everyone, until you prove yourself an arse - but that rarely happens so don't worry. I'll probably want to be your friend anyways. I think everyone has a true smile to them. Whether that smile is sane or not, it counts as happy and happy is contagious. I love crab and shrimp sushi, mini crisps and Jones soda on the side. Buy me one of these things and I'll draw you a tardis (whoops, not anime). Totally tempting, right? ...Right? ―(T_T)→ Hm.. I lack sleep. I also hate sleeping alone. ..I don't mean that in a lovey-dovey way (・_・ 三・_・) I just like having a human teddy bear. ... I'm feeling like a sloth now. I can't think of anything else to write. So talk to me if you want. Ask me questions. I like random people~ Or, you can read an in depth detail about me in my profile ~
It's a pleasure to meet you. And welcome to maiotaku. send me a message some time, i'd love to talk to you.
Hey there! Thanks for posting a comment and the warm welcome! ^^ Sure will post a message ~ I love to make new friends
Bowties are so not cool. I don't care what the doctor says.
I liked the first doctor better. Though the tenth does look a lot like my brother. And I still want to see the current doctor meet up with Susan.
I know, and it's never actually said that she's actually dead, the Doctor just doesn't know. Besides, I just like the thought of the current Doctor and her crossing paths at some point.
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