What is your greatest fear?
sapphireyes @sapphireyes
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What is your greatest fear?
sapphireyes @sapphireyes
Yes And our mascot can be a angler fish XD
Yu @metaljester
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What is your greatest fear?
Yu @metaljester
I agree with that lol i will start it up actually tomorrow not joking lol
canteventalkaboutrealshith @cantthinkofabettername
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What is your greatest fear?
canteventalkaboutrealshith @cantthinkofabettername
This account has been suspended.
ookami93 @harem93
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What is your greatest fear?
ookami93 @harem93
here is a list of words that scare me, insane asylum, death row, death sentence, execution, and electric chair.
OrAnGe SiCkLeSp0p @nightmaresweets
commented on
What is your greatest fear?
OrAnGe SiCkLeSp0p @nightmaresweets
lol ok my fear is being eaten by a fish!!o_o okay and not just any fish but a goblin sharks they scare me and maybe a few groups of the africa teeth fishies piranas? having something eat you slower or fast to the very bones would be my fear but there are a few deep sea creatures like the wide mouth shark i would be terriffied of and lets see im scare of mountain cats too and being alone in the woods by myself would be a big fear or like that open water movie being left stranded in the ocean would be another fear oh and etc etc etc private stuffs
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