Empicca's Territory
lei_maiotaku @amarantha
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Empicca's Territory
lei_maiotaku @amarantha
@lewd_araragi tbh my fams not really that also cause we are not “that” religious at all…but its more of being in a situation wherein you get questioned A LOT as to the whys and hows…and idk if anyone would like to be in that situation XDDD cause based from my dream, even if I wasnt the one questioned, bruh Im out hahaha peace yow XDDD
lei_maiotaku @amarantha
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Empicca's Territory
lei_maiotaku @amarantha
lewd_araragi @lewd_araragi
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Empicca's Territory
lewd_araragi @lewd_araragi
Wouldn't be shocked if you made your future mansion look like this XDDDD
Criselington @criselington
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Empicca's Territory
Criselington @criselington
Yup I can believe it, even the part about kidnapping a Goomba
lei_maiotaku @amarantha
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Empicca's Territory
lei_maiotaku @amarantha
lewd_araragi @lewd_araragi
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Empicca's Territory
lewd_araragi @lewd_araragi
Lei says to murder kids. Wowie wow wow
lei_maiotaku @amarantha
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Empicca's Territory
lei_maiotaku @amarantha
@lewd_araragi hahaha saw the pics on fb and it reminds me of my gradeschool days hahaha i feel so old huehue
lei_maiotaku @amarantha
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Empicca's Territory
lei_maiotaku @amarantha
to cover up my face hmmmm what to buy what to buy
lei_maiotaku @amarantha
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Empicca's Territory
lei_maiotaku @amarantha
I just discovered my90stv.com bruuuuhhhh hahhahaha I didnt know this site exists lol
lei_maiotaku @amarantha
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Empicca's Territory
lei_maiotaku @amarantha
hahaha qt :’)
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