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Anonymous Confessions -Ultimatix-

1251. I want to use Manga_bird's feet to jerk my cock off. shes got nice looking feet tbh.
1252. ive had sex with my sister and its the greatest regret in my entire life. its not worth it bros. no matter how horny or lonely you feel or she feels, you both will regret it and this feels so GODDAMN HORRIBLE (T.T)
1253. tbh i want to turn that one fat bitch harley into a trad wife, if i can fix her that would be amazing. she looks so damn breedable
1254. i do not think DIY hormones is a good idea. i also dont think children can decide if they are trans. kids cant consent to sex, nor can a 8-16 year old know what is good for them.
1255. Lamby is socally rarted, she thinks everyone wants to argue with her or is insulting her if they give her an opinion she doesnt like. shes also a TOXIC feminist who hates men, hates anything men make in society, and hates anything she feels was created as a standard by men, even if its a social good 90% of people agree upon. she needs help and she needs to get out of the damn bubble. the world isnt as messed up or rapey as her propagandists force her to believe. she should go outside once and a while and stop being a goddang chicken
1256. "honestly if the BULK of people the LGBTQIA++ whatever were defending were not total degenerates who fuck and masturbate to everything they can, and werent people who refuse to wear protection to stop the spread of STD's. they would have alot more support. these people are utterly indulgent and refuse to have any restraint. our society of excess has allowed them to constantly chase pleasure and things that make them happy and refuse to take criticism. all criticism of the LGBT (and whatever the new acronym is this day of the week) is always construed as HATE because these people refuse to self reflect or think hey maybe theres a reason people do not care for me. maybe i creep them out, or make them think their kids are in danger due to how many highschoolers and middleschoolers end up having sex with them in secret (yeah I saw this crap during my primary schooling, dont fucking pretend it didnt happen cuz you know it did and your allowing more people to get hurt, die of aids or get STDs because you want to defend people who cant stop wanting to get off.) many of these people are socially retarded, fap and have sex with minors or to images of minors whether its not real or not. there are high levels of zoophiles within these types of communities as these people refuse to have self control and just chase the next big thrill for them. if these people stopped having sex all the time with strangers, started wearing a condom, condemned pedophilia and bestiality within their community (and not CALL IT HATE WHEN members of their community call it out). society would view them in a better light. but no matter how many laws you push for, you cant expect people to respect those who have a 50+ body count per year. even when i was really into transwoman, cute guys and enbys, i never felt like the LGBT represented anything but wonton degeneracy and the rejection of any social morals, social values or social standards. they always seemed like an angry crowd of children pissed off because rules exist and people give them a hard time for acting against what is expected of them. SURE people exist who hate them for being gay, trans, lesbian, enby or bisexual. but those haters are in the minority. and a majority of LGBT people these days live within a social media bubble that is such a safe space for them that any outside criticism is branded as hate, you have to believe in the same things or you are a bigot and that the opposition is this extreme to a point where its almost satire, strawman of what everyone actually thinks if people were not in goddamn bubbles and actually talked and kept talking without BLOCKING people when they hear something they dont like. there would be alot less anger in society. and people would understand. everyones viewpoint is valid and you cant go and say well im LGBT im right because im a victim so says everyone else, im special so its my way or the highway. same goes for the other side, but HOLY SHIT fucking listen to the other side for once."
1257. a lot of times i try to give off the air of being a pious christian, but its hard to quit sin and i stumble a hell of a lot.
1258. I wonder which mod will most likely abuse their mod powers on MO? There is always one of those practically everywhere so this place shouldn't be an exception.
Why do I feel like all these last confessions are the same person? XD https://media.tenor.com/BP9vMzwRSZwAAAAC/laughing-lol.gif https://i.imgur.com/qfTIwQU.jpeg @1255 Lamby is top sigma female, you just jelly https://media.tenor.com/klNTzZNDmEgAAAAC/slap-hit.gif https://i.imgur.com/qfTIwQU.jpeg
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