Presidential Election 2021!! (Vinyl V.S. Amir)

Amir @amir_bahram
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Presidential Election 2021!! (Vinyl V.S. Amir)
Amir @amir_bahram
No tears shed. Vinyl is just as capable as me. This isn't one of those one politician good other evil cliché. We're both good and want peace. I want to restore MO back to it's former glory and Vinyl wants to make peace between Man and Machine. No matter which side you choose, the result will be good.

Ghost @kuharido
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Presidential Election 2021!! (Vinyl V.S. Amir)
Ghost @kuharido
Amir is drunk on power. He only wants to win for the sake of winning. He doesn't care about any of you.

Amir @amir_bahram
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Presidential Election 2021!! (Vinyl V.S. Amir)
Amir @amir_bahram
Look who's talking. Do I have to remind you who you are, Dead Man?

Ghost @kuharido
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Presidential Election 2021!! (Vinyl V.S. Amir)
Ghost @kuharido
I told you, Amir. That's the past. I'm just a lone warrior now.

Amir @amir_bahram
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Presidential Election 2021!! (Vinyl V.S. Amir)
Amir @amir_bahram
Like I'd believe that. If you were a lone warrior, you wouldn't be here. A lone warrior would go on his own path, not become another person's bootlicker. If you were a lone warrior, you wouldn't keep on talking about me. You're still hurt about the fact that I killed you and took your precious nation away from you. I know you better than you know yourself. If you were a lone warrior, you wouldn't left this place a long time ago. Drop the act, it's making me sick. I'm counting the days till you decide to back stab Vinyl. Winning the presidency is my secondary objective. I was about to give it to Vinyl until I saw you're still around. I won't rest till you stop existing.

Ghost @kuharido
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Presidential Election 2021!! (Vinyl V.S. Amir)
Ghost @kuharido
This isn't about you and me. This about you and Vinyl. I showed up to help Vinyl. Cause I like robots. That's my path.
It's not like I bring up how you didn't kill me cause it was Snake who did. Not the fact you weren't my VP pic Gab just felt sorry for you. Also that your whole presidency was a shadow of my own with no original ideas from yourself.
I don't bring up any of that stuff. I let it go. One day when you finish puberty you'll let it go too.

[__________] @code_016
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Presidential Election 2021!! (Vinyl V.S. Amir)
[__________] @code_016
I hear if you vote for Amir, booty will come in your near future

[__________] @code_016
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Presidential Election 2021!! (Vinyl V.S. Amir)
[__________] @code_016
Also, just realized that Ghost’s pfp is that one girl from 8th ms team. Still cool as ever, Ghost

Amir @amir_bahram
commented on
Presidential Election 2021!! (Vinyl V.S. Amir)
Amir @amir_bahram
Mark my words Ghost, I Will Be Your Death.
I am Jack The Ripper and you're my next Victim.
I will never forgive you.

Ghost @kuharido
commented on
Presidential Election 2021!! (Vinyl V.S. Amir)
Ghost @kuharido
@code_016 Kiki Rosita, good catch.
@amir_bahram Jack murdered prostitutes. Are you calling me a prostitute?
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