MaiOtaku Presidential Debate Finale 2020
αlερh-2 @alephy
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MaiOtaku Presidential Debate Finale 2020
αlερh-2 @alephy
WHomEver gives FrEE horchata gets ma vote
Resting (¬_¬) face @jc21095
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MaiOtaku Presidential Debate Finale 2020
Resting (¬_¬) face @jc21095
Who’s trolling
αlερh-2 @alephy
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MaiOtaku Presidential Debate Finale 2020
αlερh-2 @alephy
I never troll
Nini @mikan_kat
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MaiOtaku Presidential Debate Finale 2020
Nini @mikan_kat
No, I just care about school lunches! These kids dont deserve what we have today.
αlερh-2 @alephy
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MaiOtaku Presidential Debate Finale 2020
αlερh-2 @alephy
JEFF @jayashr1
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MaiOtaku Presidential Debate Finale 2020
JEFF @jayashr1
This account has been suspended.
Resting (¬_¬) face @jc21095
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MaiOtaku Presidential Debate Finale 2020
Resting (¬_¬) face @jc21095
What’s your plan of action against monsters under my bed?
Amir @amir_bahram
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MaiOtaku Presidential Debate Finale 2020
Amir @amir_bahram
Y'all haven't seen the last of me yet.
Resting (¬_¬) face @jc21095
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MaiOtaku Presidential Debate Finale 2020
Resting (¬_¬) face @jc21095
Nini @mikan_kat
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MaiOtaku Presidential Debate Finale 2020
Nini @mikan_kat
Good question jc, we can’t have monster inc taking over.
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