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Something that you just don't understand?

How some things that were once acceptable, suddenly became not acceptable. Like what happened in history that changed the rules on things and made it so they were completely abolished.
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I see little teenage girls on tik tok doing absolutely nothing but pulling their tongue out. That's it. That's the whole thing. Why? I don't understand. Girls, ladies, females, vagina creatures, please explain. What part of showing your tongue do you think is attractive?
How humanity has yet to annihilate itself in a nuclear WWIII.
Oct 03, 20 at 3:53pm
@cero It suddenly became a trend after someone made a meme about it on reddit. I was playin' it years ago so i guess you're right.
Where are this girl's parents and what the hell are they doing? If you don't know how to raise your daughter properly, then don't have kids. How can your daughter do this without you knowing?
tbh, my 11 yo cousin is like that. her mother does know about it, but i mean what can you do? you cant shelter your kids forever. sooner or later theyre gunna find out and be like that and theres really nothing you can do.
well... shes not really my blood related cousin... shes more like my god cousin? god sister? idk wtf you would call that so i just call her my cousin. her mother is my god mother and i call her my aunt so i figured her daughter would be my cousin. :/
The girl I'm talking about is 13 and is showing herself in her underwear in inappropriate positions on Instagram. I'm ashamed of her parents. I reported her but I got a message from Instagram saying they see nothing wrong with this girl's account.
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