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Sobo’s cooking channel

This shit looks so bland. It's like flipping through a shitty cookbook for soggy white people food.
Jan 06, 21 at 11:17pm
Check out my other stuff then, this was just something I whipped up. @weabgoat
Bro I did. Your fish looking like it crawled out of the dumpster 2 days ago.
Jan 06, 21 at 11:24pm
Thanks bro, what do you cook? I mean you have to be able to cook better right?
I do. I just don't go around taking pictures of all my food like a homo.
Jan 06, 21 at 11:42pm
I just do it for fun, thanks for being a dick. Must be sad living a life like yours, get yourself a counselor. It may fix your shitty outlook.
Already got counseling help when I had trouble sleeping at the start of covid. I'm fine but your cooking is still shit. But ey, if posting this sloppy crud to a tiny group of people you will never know gets you through the day. Good for you.
ROFL, this dude making look like a nice guy. Entertaining to read none the less
Aleph, habibi you gotta step up your game. Weebgoat is coming for your "professional dick" title.
Jan 12, 21 at 7:11pm
Decided to make a little chocolate drink, it's pretty good!
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