Otaku Identity
kirai_meiun @kirai_meiun
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Otaku Identity
kirai_meiun @kirai_meiun
hehe you're welcome.
NoLongerActive @josapswanzi
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Otaku Identity
NoLongerActive @josapswanzi
I like anime a lot but, I also like a lot of other non anime/video game related things that could make me viewed as a closet otaku I guess haha!
Deleted User @__removed_2febdcff2cGILeMdar
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Otaku Identity
Deleted User @__removed_2febdcff2cGILeMdar
This account has been suspended.
NoLongerActive @josapswanzi
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Otaku Identity
NoLongerActive @josapswanzi
A mild case of closet otaku, My closest friends know about how much I enjoy anime. One does not simply like anime and not enjoy video games, truest statement ever.
Poptimus Rhyme @hikkikomori
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Otaku Identity
Poptimus Rhyme @hikkikomori
To be completely technical about the term, an Otaku, refers to anyone who has a deeper than normal interest in a subject, whatever that subject may be, but it is mostly used about the social fopars, of modern pre-digital society.
This list includes far too many things to write here, but save to say is that anything that viewed as geeky or unusual in the 90's can make the list.
Given the recent rise in casual gamers, and the explosion within the Fan-sub communities and convention centered around geek culture, It almost fair to say that unless you live in backwards Village, The modern digital nerddoms no longer constitute Otakuness as this would imply a severe minority that deviates from the normal mass.
In short.
In about 20-30 years when the Steroid-idiots have gotten closer to their apparent Goal of steralize themselves with drug use and out of our collective genepool, They will be the Sport Otaku, the muscle Otaku and the Fighting random people on the street cuz they are idiots Otaku.
jinjae_akechi @jinjae_akechi
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Otaku Identity
jinjae_akechi @jinjae_akechi
Whoa, that's alot of answers! All helpful though. Thanks to all!
anime_tyrant @anime_tyrant
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Otaku Identity
anime_tyrant @anime_tyrant
I wouldn't really take pride in it - in japan it's not really a good thing to be called an otaku. It's like saying you have no life. I don't understand why everyone prides themselves in saying "I'm an otaku." It's ass-backwards in america I guess. It's like that guy above stated - someone who dedicates all their being to something they're obsessed with - be it a hobby or lifestyle -
anime_tyrant @anime_tyrant
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Otaku Identity
anime_tyrant @anime_tyrant
I wouldn't really take pride in it - in japan it's not really a good thing to be called an otaku. It's like saying you have no life. I don't understand why everyone prides themselves in saying "I'm an otaku." It's ass-backwards in america I guess. It's like that guy above stated - someone who dedicates all their being to something they're obsessed with - be it a hobby or lifestyle -
anime_tyrant @anime_tyrant
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Otaku Identity
anime_tyrant @anime_tyrant
sorry - using my phone and it sent sevral times X-x
jinjae_akechi @jinjae_akechi
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Otaku Identity
jinjae_akechi @jinjae_akechi
Well, it's all informative to me. I asked this because growing up, and even to this day, I find it hard to find people with similar interests. It's all food for thought.
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