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Wait what? XD Man. I am not sure if I would call these Jewish... but I like them lol
Only one referenced a Jewish person. They're really Muslim memes. https://i.imgur.com/amMNKfr.jpg
Muslim, Jewish, Human, same thing... I dated an Indonesian Muslim girl once and I can just say that I like people are just people and nice.
Good old Constantinople! Changed its name more times than some people change their underwear in a year!
I remember seeing anime muslim stuff online for the first time ages ago. It was really bizzare cause most Muslims I knew wouldn't be into that stuff. I found out that anime/manga is really popular in Indonesia and Malaysia which both have large Muslim populations. https://i.imgur.com/UXoPN3b.jpg
Yes, that is correct. I also had a Palestinian Muslim friend as well and she liked all of this stuff too! I suppose the Indonesian and Malaysian market might be what they are targeting but there are still some Muslims out there who do like our Otaku based culture.
I will admit though all the Muslims I knew where not very religious so I guess that is also an involved factor.
I have known some very religious ones. Not any different from a Bible thumper. It's the same mindset. Knew a guy who burned his Yugioh cards when they introduced the Egyptian God cards. https://i.imgur.com/mDO4gA0.jpg
Yeah... I know how that is... I still consider myself to be a man of faith... but those on the extreme/super strict side... it can all be quite hard. I used to be one of those Bible thumpers actually. But after reading that same Bible more, I realized that the teachings in there were against the very idea of Bible thumpers so... that says a lot XD That's just my experience though.
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