Flirt and pickup lines

Mihoyo @meepsra
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Flirt and pickup lines
Mihoyo @meepsra
Let's crunchyroll and chill haha kidding...unless?..

Cero @cero
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Flirt and pickup lines
Cero @cero
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Cutting ties @theghoulieleader
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Flirt and pickup lines
Cutting ties @theghoulieleader
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Dark skys @l_luii_28
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Flirt and pickup lines
Dark skys @l_luii_28

KuroK @kurok
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Flirt and pickup lines
KuroK @kurok
Did you call me last night?
Cause I always miss you

KuroK @kurok
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Flirt and pickup lines
KuroK @kurok
We never met but ive actually talked about you once
I was talking with my friend about my dream girl... i thought she didnt exist till i saw you

Cutting ties @theghoulieleader
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Flirt and pickup lines
Cutting ties @theghoulieleader
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Cutting ties @theghoulieleader
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Flirt and pickup lines
Cutting ties @theghoulieleader
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mrkingofspades @mrkingofspades
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Flirt and pickup lines
mrkingofspades @mrkingofspades
Is that a mirror in your pocket cause you must've fallen from heaven?
Wait, no. Something seems off about that one.
Is that a banana in your pants cause you must've fallen from heaven.
That's the one.

doctadeadpool @doctadeadpool
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Flirt and pickup lines
doctadeadpool @doctadeadpool
Bad Line: Are you from Tennessee? Cause I'm about 90% sure you're inbred.
"Good" Line: Date me and you get free Disney+
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