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One Punch Gainz

@elhaym i dont mind some meat on them bones ! more cushion for the pushing .... :smugface: p.s also more to hug and cuddle with ^^
@elhaym as a lover of all girls chubby and plump, lemme extend my words to you and tell you XD you def arent fat
Feb 10, 21 at 3:30pm
@jenze_ojiisan it still sounds like a fairy tale for me. (because of my experiences) @hell_hound7 for German standards, I'm obese.
Feb 10, 21 at 3:32pm
Start working out and go up to everyone that called you fat, fkex your abs and say WHO'S FAT NOW BITCH.
@amir_bahram aint nobody got time for dat !
My scale is international, from Germany to japan and timbuktu. Chubby is chubby, plump is plump, obese and the like. from what i have seen of you, you dont look that bad
Chubby gang here
Ah a man of culture
ha! tall twig here =3
just fuck their opinion? you don’t have to prove them anything just eat whatever the fucc you want and if you don’t feel like doing workout then screw it these people who told u such stuff have complexes on their own even if u lost weight they will find another thing to hate about u
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