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Astrology Soulmate

wait wouldn't that mean u and enki actually are meant for each other? o.o both has no matches cause they are way too special? O.o you guys must born the same day/year OwO
Jun 29, 19 at 10:40pm
Gd don't give me hope. It's well enough. It wasn't meant to work out it explains so much. https://thumbs.gfycat.com/RepulsiveCrazyAnaconda-max-1mb.gif
why pessimistic :3? I mean my theory is interresting to try out tho? :3 I call in a ship OwO this is my ship neowww~
Jun 29, 19 at 10:42pm
I got no matches either ghost..don't worry~ Anyways it's just a website xD What were you in your past life? I do not know how you feel about this, but you were a female ♀ in your last earthly incarnation. You were born somewhere around the territory of Spain approximately on 1675. Your profession was seaman, cook, carpenter. Your brief psychological profile in that past life: Natural talent of psychologist, you knew how to use the opportunities. Cold-blooded and calm in any situation. Lessons that your last past life brought to present: Your problem – to learn determination and persistency. Every misfortune should crash upon your strong will
Jun 29, 19 at 10:44pm
I posted that on page four, Pringle. I was just playing a game but I never realized I was the fool. https://media1.tenor.com/images/5553b074b34ad20f6b55e8e68882bf3a/tenor.gif
it says my Match is someone that has a birthday of September 29. 2004, this is such a jailbait site @_@
wtf i retook the test to read about the past... I do not know how you feel about this, but you were a female ♀ in your last earthly incarnation. You were born somewhere around the territory of Spain approximately on 1200. Your profession was seaman, cook, carpenter. Your brief psychological profile in that past life: Natural talent of psychologist, you knew how to use the opportunities. Cold-blooded and calm in any situation. Lessons that your last past life brought to present: Your problem – to learn determination and persistency. Every misfortune should crash upon your strong will. wait why is everthing the same only the year was another o.o
dmnnnnn I thorught I was the lolicon till you were much more degenerate than I am xDDDD wait a minute... we are the same level of degenerate... o.O
my past is I do not know how you feel about this, but you were a male ♂ in your last earthly incarnation. You were born somewhere around the territory of Northern China approximately on 1700. Your profession was trainer, holder of the fine animals, birds, insects. Your brief psychological profile in that past life: Revolutionary type. You inspired changes in any sphere — politics, business, religion, housekeeping. Could be a leader. Lessons that your last past life brought to present: Your lesson – to learn humility and faith in spiritual principles. You should believe in High Reason.
Jun 29, 19 at 11:03pm
Aha, I looked through them. Aw please ghost cheer up fellow weeb! Is being in a romantic relaitionship everything in life? Nooope! Being a good person to others and spreading positivity into the world is more important! Improving on yourself (because there can always be room for that) and enjoying the sometimes overseen things in life, such as meals, sleep, the woooonderful natureee on this planet :) Being proud of everyday you get through this tough journey that is life before bedtime, anyways yes, to me being in a romantic relaitionship is not the most important part of life, even though it would be a nice bonus ofc ^^
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