hello friends >:3

kloe267 @kloe267
hello friends >:3
kloe267 @kloe267
Hey ppl my name is chloe im 15. i LOVE watching anime. ive been looking at anime forums thingies and found this :) Fan of: Monogatari series, Fate series, Black butler and tokyo ghoul. Hope i can make some friends and have fun!

cr0n @cr0n
commented on
hello friends >:3
cr0n @cr0n
Welcome to the site, people here seem to be awfully inviting, so I'm sure you'll have fun.

CAC @cac
commented on
hello friends >:3
CAC @cac
Welcome to the site! I loved Monogatari series and Fate series too.

,.,,,, @anyuchi
commented on
hello friends >:3
,.,,,, @anyuchi
Welcome, have fun and beware of creeps :D

X @lycanbladefang
commented on
hello friends >:3
X @lycanbladefang
Have fun and watch yourself out there kid

Personal Maid @personalmaidservice
commented on
hello friends >:3
Personal Maid @personalmaidservice
Welcome to mo make lots friends be safe

. @vezax
commented on
hello friends >:3
. @vezax
Hello friends... Chai pee lo

Papa Stalin @alipt
commented on
hello friends >:3
Papa Stalin @alipt
Ye huee na baat chai wali auntie is best

blu3m0on @blu3m0on
commented on
hello friends >:3
blu3m0on @blu3m0on

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