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Anonymous confessions!

Jul 24, 18 at 6:11am
^nope.. i am enjoying those memes!
Jul 24, 18 at 6:12am
*road to 1k* #950 I wanna fall in love like an anime to bad it’ll never happen
Jul 24, 18 at 6:12am
*road to 1k* #951 Enki x Muffin fanfic Laughing man POV Laughing man was traveling the world of MO one day and he heard strange noises, he searched around and found an alley in the forums and he thought he saw 2 people, so, he quickly hid behind the wall and decided to give a listen. He recognized the voice, “I bet they were conspiring to replace the tri-fecta of me and Tsunpaper with just Muffin”. After claiming himself he disguised himself as a bland Annonymous confession to not draw attention to himself and he saw them, for they weren’t not conspiring but they were... Doing the.... LEWD!!!!!!!!! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Jul 24, 18 at 6:13am
^wtf hahaha, that is an amazing story XD Looking forward to part 2 :V
Jul 24, 18 at 6:14am
*road to 1k* #952 I like bobs and veganas
Jul 24, 18 at 6:14am
#953 I really try my best to be kind to everyone, but lots of people see me in a negative light here and it’s kind of depressing. And sadly, I don’t think it will ever change...
Jul 24, 18 at 6:15am
#954 The main reason I listen to KPop Boy Groups is because they make me feel loved. Even if I'm not their target demographic i.e. females. It's like having someone constantly tell you they care for you.
Jul 24, 18 at 6:15am
#955 My most meaningful conversation in a long time was sending song links back and forth with a friend I haven't spoken to in months. No talking, no banter, just sending songs for hours. I hope wherever they are they're doing well.
Jul 24, 18 at 6:15am
#956 I have a fear of being abandoned due to my mother up and leaving us one day out of nowhere. Recently she's been involved in my life a lot more than before, but even with that I still hold some resentment towards her even if I don't show it. It's caused me to become somewhat clingy to friends and constantly afraid that they'll leave me behind. I hope to eventually overcome this, but so far I feel like it's just become worse.
Jul 24, 18 at 6:16am
#957 I think some of y'all needs to be... reeducated https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OFQQALduhzA
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