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Civil War Is Coming

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Honestly this topic is a silly Cancerous Beast that could only lead to People bickering or Hating Eachother. http://i.imgur.com/BLYPMkO.jpg
Oct 06, 17 at 7:04am
First off, how the everliving fuck is having a dissenting opinion considered trolling? And reporting over it? Grow the hell up. The internet is not your safe space, and you can't beat others into submission and force them to call you shit that you aren't. A crazy tranny trying to make me out to be a bad guy because HE has a fucking victim complex? Seriously fuck all that shit. I will refer to others however I please and you'll simply have to get over it.
Oct 06, 17 at 7:10am
Proof he will not allow nor entertain discussion. He's right, everyone else in the world is wrong and stupid or trolls to him. https://i.imgur.com/Wsf0kzl.jpg And abusing report functions due to personal problems. Fox is obviously not mentally sound. https://i.imgur.com/hoaXlmR.jpg
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Trolling? No. Do I think you, Gudmoore crossed a Line into Harassment in this Topic when it comes to Vanessa, Yes. Seriously this is not a Topic about Transgenders, and it has turned into one and a Bashing Party at that. You, Gudmoore, are the one that seems to be on a High-Horse. There is nothing wrong with having a issue understanding Trans People but that doesn't seem like what your doing, you seem to be arbitrarily attacking them. If you want start a Topic for a conversation, go for it. Don't turn a Topic into a chance to bash People's Choices.
Oct 06, 17 at 7:40am
Except if you would get off your high horses and actually read the discussion you would notice something. I was originally discussing Communism, however others felt it necessary to freeze discussion in order to target me for wrongthink because I called HIM a HE. So yes, in that situation I'm going to stand for myself and slap down all propaganda, even if it hurts feelings.
Oct 06, 17 at 7:43am
It would have been entirely glossed over and tossed to the side. Instead we got, "duurrhurrr you misgendered it you fucking cis". So fuck off with the judgemental bullshit. Oh and fun fact: the more him and his tranny supporters pull this shit, the more they make society hate trans. So is it worth it?
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