Death Note Netflix
asukaangel @asukaangel
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Death Note Netflix
asukaangel @asukaangel
It wasn't that bad as a spin off... Turner's yelling made me cracked!!! Never expected that girl... she was damaged. The L guy was a bit theatrical for me
Luke @holloment
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Death Note Netflix
Luke @holloment
I've watched it twice and both times I ended up thinking the same thing "this movie would be GREAT if they changed everything about their version of L"
saeko @gotchicho
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Death Note Netflix
saeko @gotchicho
If it wasn't adapted from a anime/manga I know I think I would've rated it a 6 or 7 lol
kurosainto @kurosainto
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Death Note Netflix
kurosainto @kurosainto
I feel that a good adaptation shouldn't mess a good character. Icons like Light and L where totally destroyed!!!... a crying baby L? a scary Light?
I think that If a story is a master piece live actions shouldn't mess with it. It would be better if they worked on a previous note owner or what about a story about L's old work cases?
lilly01 @lilly01
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Death Note Netflix
lilly01 @lilly01
I wish they would just have one adaptation where they stuck to the original script
Jikko Von Satsujin @devo1
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Death Note Netflix
Jikko Von Satsujin @devo1
I'm just waiting for a live action version of samurai champloo as it deserves so much more
Darkly10000 @darkly10000
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Death Note Netflix
Darkly10000 @darkly10000
I liked L until the part where he pulled out a gun, then I tried looking for my own.
uui @uui
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Death Note Netflix
uui @uui
The first half was for me acceptable L was surprisingly ok to me but his explanations how he found out for example that Kira wasn't in Japan was kinda weird.
But the second half of the Film was just straight terrible.
Nat @the_noctor
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Death Note Netflix
Nat @the_noctor
This account has been suspended.
. @vezax
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Death Note Netflix
. @vezax
It was just final destination in disguise..
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